Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 6 (2021)
Kanu, Mmaduabuchukwu Chidiebere Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
Ibeneme, T. O
Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
The study determined National Directorate of Employment Basic National Open Apprenticeship
Scheme trainees’ ratings of their employability in Anambra State. Two research questions and
two null hypotheses guided the study. The descriptive survey design was adopted. All the
population, which was 240 NDE B-NOAS 2021 trainees from three Local Governments in
Anambra State, was used as the sample. A 63-item questionnaire was used for data collection,
which were validated by three experts. Test re-test reliability method was employed, and
Pearson Product Moment Correlation Co-efficient was used to determine the reliability of the
instrument, which yielded an overall co-efficient of 0.87. Mean and standard deviation were
used to answer the research questions, while analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the
hypothesis. The findings revealed that NDE B-NOAS trainees possessed high technical and ICT
skills after their training for employability in Anambra State. There was a significant difference
in the mean ratings of graduates of tertiary institutions and school leavers of lower level of
education on their technical skills and ICT skills for employability after NDE B-NOAS training
in Anambra State. It was, therefore, concluded that that adoption of technical skills and ICT
skills will go a long way to increase the quality of manpower and reduce the rate unemployment
or dependence on government for job. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others,
that effective instructional technique and strategies should be adopted by trainers to achieve
employability skills necessary for the world of work for their trainees.
Scheme trainees’ ratings of their employability in Anambra State. Two research questions and
two null hypotheses guided the study. The descriptive survey design was adopted. All the
population, which was 240 NDE B-NOAS 2021 trainees from three Local Governments in
Anambra State, was used as the sample. A 63-item questionnaire was used for data collection,
which were validated by three experts. Test re-test reliability method was employed, and
Pearson Product Moment Correlation Co-efficient was used to determine the reliability of the
instrument, which yielded an overall co-efficient of 0.87. Mean and standard deviation were
used to answer the research questions, while analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the
hypothesis. The findings revealed that NDE B-NOAS trainees possessed high technical and ICT
skills after their training for employability in Anambra State. There was a significant difference
in the mean ratings of graduates of tertiary institutions and school leavers of lower level of
education on their technical skills and ICT skills for employability after NDE B-NOAS training
in Anambra State. It was, therefore, concluded that that adoption of technical skills and ICT
skills will go a long way to increase the quality of manpower and reduce the rate unemployment
or dependence on government for job. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others,
that effective instructional technique and strategies should be adopted by trainers to achieve
employability skills necessary for the world of work for their trainees.
Adebisi, T. A. & Oni, C. S. (2012). Assessment of relevance of the National Directorate of
Employment (NDE) training programmes to the needs of the trainees in Southwestern
Nigeria. International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education, 4(3), 29-37.
Amadi, M. N. (2019). Developing approach to employability of Nigeria graduates in labour
market: Need for curriculum improvement. Paper presented at the Pan-Commonwealth
Forum. Edinburgh Scotland. September 9-12.
Bassey, R. S. & Ofre, E. T. (2013). Training initiatives for skills acquisition in ICTs by students
of the University of Calabar, Nigeria. Global Journal of Educational Research, 1(12),
Ekpenyong, L. E. (2011). Foundations of technical vocational education: Evolution and practice
for Nigerian students in TVE and adult education, policy makers & practitioners. Benin
City: Ambik Press.
Ezedum, C. (2011). Introduction to entrepreneurship. Enugu: Timex Entreprises.
International Labour Organisation (2012). Global employment trends 2012. Retrieved from groups/public/@publ/wcms150440.pdf.
National Directorate of Employment (2015). Annual report. Abuja: Planning, Research and
Statistics Department of NDE.
Odede, I. & Enakerakpo, E. (2013). ICT skills and internet usage among library and information
science students in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria. International Journal of Library and
Information Science, 6(5), 98-107.
Okorie, J. U. (2010). Developing Nigeria’s workforce. Calabar: Mcnky Enviros Publishing.
Osinem, E. C., & Nwoji, C. U. (2010). SIWES in Nigeria, concepts, principles and practices.
Enugu: Cheston Agency Ltd.
Shafie, L. A., & Nayan, S. (2010). Employability awareness among Malaysian undergraduates.
International Journal of Business and Management, 5(8), 119-123.
Tongshuwal, J. M. (2015). Improving collaboration between technical colleges and industries
for skill acquisition in electrical installation and maintenance work in Plateau State.
Unpublished Msc thesis, Department of Vocational Teacher Education, UNN.
Employment (NDE) training programmes to the needs of the trainees in Southwestern
Nigeria. International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education, 4(3), 29-37.
Amadi, M. N. (2019). Developing approach to employability of Nigeria graduates in labour
market: Need for curriculum improvement. Paper presented at the Pan-Commonwealth
Forum. Edinburgh Scotland. September 9-12.
Bassey, R. S. & Ofre, E. T. (2013). Training initiatives for skills acquisition in ICTs by students
of the University of Calabar, Nigeria. Global Journal of Educational Research, 1(12),
Ekpenyong, L. E. (2011). Foundations of technical vocational education: Evolution and practice
for Nigerian students in TVE and adult education, policy makers & practitioners. Benin
City: Ambik Press.
Ezedum, C. (2011). Introduction to entrepreneurship. Enugu: Timex Entreprises.
International Labour Organisation (2012). Global employment trends 2012. Retrieved from groups/public/@publ/wcms150440.pdf.
National Directorate of Employment (2015). Annual report. Abuja: Planning, Research and
Statistics Department of NDE.
Odede, I. & Enakerakpo, E. (2013). ICT skills and internet usage among library and information
science students in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria. International Journal of Library and
Information Science, 6(5), 98-107.
Okorie, J. U. (2010). Developing Nigeria’s workforce. Calabar: Mcnky Enviros Publishing.
Osinem, E. C., & Nwoji, C. U. (2010). SIWES in Nigeria, concepts, principles and practices.
Enugu: Cheston Agency Ltd.
Shafie, L. A., & Nayan, S. (2010). Employability awareness among Malaysian undergraduates.
International Journal of Business and Management, 5(8), 119-123.
Tongshuwal, J. M. (2015). Improving collaboration between technical colleges and industries
for skill acquisition in electrical installation and maintenance work in Plateau State.
Unpublished Msc thesis, Department of Vocational Teacher Education, UNN.