Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 6 (2021)
Okolocha, C.C
Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
Efanimjor, Ifeanyi
Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
The study sought to assessthe adequacy of business education curriculum content for the
acquisition of office technology and management and entrepreneurship skills acquisition in
colleges of education in Edo and Delta States. Two research questions were raised and four
null hypotheses were tested. Descriptive survey research was adopted for the study. The entire
population of 120 business educators were studied without sampling. A structured and
validated two-point checklist was used for data collection. Since, the National Commission for
Colleges of Education (NCCE) Benchmark inventory is a standard checklist, the checklist was
not subjected to reliability procedures because the checklist is already validated and
standardized. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research question,’while ttest and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to test the null hypotheses. Findings of the
study revealed that 68 contents of the curriculum are adequate and 46 contents are not
adequate for the acquisition of office technology and management skills. 11 contents of business
education curriculum are adequate and four contents are not adequate for the acquisition of
entrepreneurship skills. The study further disclosed that bbusiness educators based on their
years of experience and location did not differ significantly on their mean ratings on the
adequacy of business education curriculum content for the acquisition of office technology and
management skills and entrepreneurship skills among students. It was recommended among
others that business educators in Colleges of education should periodically invite office
technology and management experts and successful entrepreneurs to provide business
education students with first hand business experiences and practical workplace skills required
in the business world.
acquisition of office technology and management and entrepreneurship skills acquisition in
colleges of education in Edo and Delta States. Two research questions were raised and four
null hypotheses were tested. Descriptive survey research was adopted for the study. The entire
population of 120 business educators were studied without sampling. A structured and
validated two-point checklist was used for data collection. Since, the National Commission for
Colleges of Education (NCCE) Benchmark inventory is a standard checklist, the checklist was
not subjected to reliability procedures because the checklist is already validated and
standardized. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research question,’while ttest and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to test the null hypotheses. Findings of the
study revealed that 68 contents of the curriculum are adequate and 46 contents are not
adequate for the acquisition of office technology and management skills. 11 contents of business
education curriculum are adequate and four contents are not adequate for the acquisition of
entrepreneurship skills. The study further disclosed that bbusiness educators based on their
years of experience and location did not differ significantly on their mean ratings on the
adequacy of business education curriculum content for the acquisition of office technology and
management skills and entrepreneurship skills among students. It was recommended among
others that business educators in Colleges of education should periodically invite office
technology and management experts and successful entrepreneurs to provide business
education students with first hand business experiences and practical workplace skills required
in the business world.
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Aina, M.A. (2019). Training of office technology and management education students for job demands and selfemployment in Ekiti State, Nigeria.Journal of Advances in Social Science and humanities,5(4), 703–
Blenkin, G. M. (2012). Change and the curriculum. London: Paul Chapman
Esene, R.A. (2014). Challenges facing office educators in the implementation of office technology and
management curriculum and new technologies in the polytechnics in South-South Geo-Political Zone
of Nigeria.World Educators Forum, 3(1), 1 – 20
Esene, R.A. (2015). A critical appraisal of adequacy of contents of EDE curriculum of polytechnic education
towards meeting entrepreneurial skills of OTM graduates. British Journal of Education, 3(1), 14 -22
Eze, P.I. (2016). Influence of educational technology centres on students’ skill acquisition for self-employment.
Journal of Education and Practice, 7(5), 88 - 95
Ezeani, N. S. (2012). The teacher and skills acquisition at business education: from the perspective of accounting
skills Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 2(4), 21 – 31
Ezenwafor, J. I. (2012). Adequacy of exposure to information and communication technology by graduating
business education students of tertiary institution in Anambra State.Business Education Journal, 8(2),
Ezenwafor, J. I., &Onokpaunu, M. O. (2017). Perception of business educators on the relevance of integrating
globalized workplace skills in the business education curriculum in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
Education & Science Journal of Policy Review and Curriculum Development, 7(1), 1–10.
Hafiz, H., &Sa'ad, G. (2015).Assessing the richness of entrepreneurship education curriculum content: Empirical
evidence.Journal of Research & Method in Education, 5(2) 107-114
Ibrahim, A. (2014). Assessment of the adequacy of university students’ business education curriculum content
for the acquisition of requisite job skills and job opportunities in Nigeria.Unpublished Doctoral
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Igbinoba, M.O. (2008). Job competencies expected of NCE secretarial education graduates by employers of
labour: Implications on business education in ABEN Book of Readings, 1(8), 142 – 152
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relative to employers’ requirement in North West Nigeria. Unpublished Ph.D Dissertation, Department
of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.
Jain, G.R. (2013). Capacity building of TVET in entrepreneurship. United Kingdom: Union International Press
Maduewesi, B.U., &Okoro, I.F. (2013).Instructional evaluation: A case study of primary education. Journal of
Assertiveness, 4(1), 1 - 9
National Board for Technical Education (2004).Office Technology and management curriculum and course
specifications. Kaduna: Atman Press
National Commission for Colleges of Education (2012).Minimum standards for NCE Vocational and technical
education. Abuja: NCCE.
Nwazor, J. C., &Onokpaunu, M.O. (2016). Strategies considered effective for transforming business education
programmes to the needs of 21st century workplace in Delta State, Nigeria. African Journal of
Education and Practice, 1(5), 74 - 82.
Okolocha, C.C., & Ile, C. M. (2011).Strengths of the business plan and industrial collaboration strategies in the
teaching of entrepreneurship in tertiary institutions.Business Education Journal, 8(1), 258 – 260.
Okoro, J. (2013). Strategies for enhancing the teaching of ICT in business education programmes as perceived
by business education lecturers in universities in South-South, Nigeria. International Education
Studies, 6(10), 1-12.
Okoro, J. (2015). Assessment of management competencies possessed by the university postgraduate Business
Education students to handle entrepreneurship business challenges in Nigeria.Journal of Education
and Practice, 6(18), 129 -136
Olawole, S.A. (2013). Enriching the job/entrepreneurial opportunities in office technology and management
programme in Nigerian Polytechnics.Journal of Business Educators of Nigeria, Ondo and Ekiti States
Chapter, 2(2), 56 - 71
Olukemi, J.O., &Boluwaji, C. E. (2014).Challenges of curriculum development in office technology and
management in tertiary institutions.International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education, 1(3),
475 – 483
Oluwasina, B.R., Onokpaunu, M.O., &Durojaye, M.O. (2018).Business educators’ appraisal of colleges of
education business education curriculum content for entrepreneurial success in Niger Delta region of
Nigeria.NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education, 3(1), 172 - 190
Onojetah, S. O. (2012). Challenges of implementing business education program through information and
communication technology (ICT). Association of Business Educators of Nigeria Book of Readings,
2(1), 156 - 161.
Udo, M.P., &Bako, D.H. (2014).Acquiring maximum vocational business education skills and competencies for
sustainable development in Nigeria.Journal of Educational and Social Research, 4(7), 53-60
education in Nigeria.Journal of Science and Technology Education Research, 1(1), 1 – 9
Arikawei, A.R., &Torubeli, V.A. (2015).Maintaining academic quality assurance for teacher preparation in the
Nigerian colleges of education. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(7), 173 – 180
Aina, M.A. (2019). Training of office technology and management education students for job demands and selfemployment in Ekiti State, Nigeria.Journal of Advances in Social Science and humanities,5(4), 703–
Blenkin, G. M. (2012). Change and the curriculum. London: Paul Chapman
Esene, R.A. (2014). Challenges facing office educators in the implementation of office technology and
management curriculum and new technologies in the polytechnics in South-South Geo-Political Zone
of Nigeria.World Educators Forum, 3(1), 1 – 20
Esene, R.A. (2015). A critical appraisal of adequacy of contents of EDE curriculum of polytechnic education
towards meeting entrepreneurial skills of OTM graduates. British Journal of Education, 3(1), 14 -22
Eze, P.I. (2016). Influence of educational technology centres on students’ skill acquisition for self-employment.
Journal of Education and Practice, 7(5), 88 - 95
Ezeani, N. S. (2012). The teacher and skills acquisition at business education: from the perspective of accounting
skills Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 2(4), 21 – 31
Ezenwafor, J. I. (2012). Adequacy of exposure to information and communication technology by graduating
business education students of tertiary institution in Anambra State.Business Education Journal, 8(2),
Ezenwafor, J. I., &Onokpaunu, M. O. (2017). Perception of business educators on the relevance of integrating
globalized workplace skills in the business education curriculum in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
Education & Science Journal of Policy Review and Curriculum Development, 7(1), 1–10.
Hafiz, H., &Sa'ad, G. (2015).Assessing the richness of entrepreneurship education curriculum content: Empirical
evidence.Journal of Research & Method in Education, 5(2) 107-114
Ibrahim, A. (2014). Assessment of the adequacy of university students’ business education curriculum content
for the acquisition of requisite job skills and job opportunities in Nigeria.Unpublished Doctoral
Dissertation, Department of Vocational and Technical Education, Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello
University, Zaria.
Idoko, C. U. (2014). Skill acquisition and youth empowerment in Nigeria.Global Journal of Commerce &
Management Perspective, 3(1), 51 – 54
Igbinoba, M.O. (2008). Job competencies expected of NCE secretarial education graduates by employers of
labour: Implications on business education in ABEN Book of Readings, 1(8), 142 – 152
Iro, D.M. (2016). Assessment of the adequacy of office technology and management programme curriculum
relative to employers’ requirement in North West Nigeria. Unpublished Ph.D Dissertation, Department
of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.
Jain, G.R. (2013). Capacity building of TVET in entrepreneurship. United Kingdom: Union International Press
Maduewesi, B.U., &Okoro, I.F. (2013).Instructional evaluation: A case study of primary education. Journal of
Assertiveness, 4(1), 1 - 9
National Board for Technical Education (2004).Office Technology and management curriculum and course
specifications. Kaduna: Atman Press
National Commission for Colleges of Education (2012).Minimum standards for NCE Vocational and technical
education. Abuja: NCCE.
Nwazor, J. C., &Onokpaunu, M.O. (2016). Strategies considered effective for transforming business education
programmes to the needs of 21st century workplace in Delta State, Nigeria. African Journal of
Education and Practice, 1(5), 74 - 82.
Okolocha, C.C., & Ile, C. M. (2011).Strengths of the business plan and industrial collaboration strategies in the
teaching of entrepreneurship in tertiary institutions.Business Education Journal, 8(1), 258 – 260.
Okoro, J. (2013). Strategies for enhancing the teaching of ICT in business education programmes as perceived
by business education lecturers in universities in South-South, Nigeria. International Education
Studies, 6(10), 1-12.
Okoro, J. (2015). Assessment of management competencies possessed by the university postgraduate Business
Education students to handle entrepreneurship business challenges in Nigeria.Journal of Education
and Practice, 6(18), 129 -136
Olawole, S.A. (2013). Enriching the job/entrepreneurial opportunities in office technology and management
programme in Nigerian Polytechnics.Journal of Business Educators of Nigeria, Ondo and Ekiti States
Chapter, 2(2), 56 - 71
Olukemi, J.O., &Boluwaji, C. E. (2014).Challenges of curriculum development in office technology and
management in tertiary institutions.International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education, 1(3),
475 – 483
Oluwasina, B.R., Onokpaunu, M.O., &Durojaye, M.O. (2018).Business educators’ appraisal of colleges of
education business education curriculum content for entrepreneurial success in Niger Delta region of
Nigeria.NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education, 3(1), 172 - 190
Onojetah, S. O. (2012). Challenges of implementing business education program through information and
communication technology (ICT). Association of Business Educators of Nigeria Book of Readings,
2(1), 156 - 161.
Udo, M.P., &Bako, D.H. (2014).Acquiring maximum vocational business education skills and competencies for
sustainable development in Nigeria.Journal of Educational and Social Research, 4(7), 53-60