Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 6 (2021)
Onojetah, S. O
The study examined human resource recruitment and training competencies required by
administrators for effective management of tertiary institutions in South-south Nigeria. Two
research questions were answered while two hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance.
Descriptive survey research design was adopted in carrying out the study. The population and
sample of the study comprised 1,736 administrators from the existing public tertiary institutions
in the six South-South States of Nigeria. The sample of the study is 868; represents 50% of the
population. The instrument that was used for data collection was a structured questionnaire
titled: Human Resource Recruitment and Training Questionnaire (HRRTQ) face-validated by
three experts. The reliability of the instrument was ascertained using Cronbach Alpha reliability
method which yielded a coefficient of 0.85 for human resource recruitment competencies and
0.91 for human resource training competencies. Data collected were analyzed using mean for
answering the research questions while analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for testing the
hypotheses. Based on the data collected and analysed, the study identified 11 human resource
recruitment competencies and 11 human resource training competencies required by
administrators for effective management of tertiary institutions in South-south, Nigeria. There
are no significant (p<0.05) difference in the mean ratings of the responses of administrators in
universities, polytechnics and colleges of education on the human resource management
competencies required for employees recruitment and training in tertiary institutions in SouthSouth, Nigeria. Hence, the study among others recommended that the findings of this study
should be packaged into a pamphlet and made available to all categories of administrators in
tertiary institutions to serve as a guide in their human resource management and conduct of
their duties in the school.
administrators for effective management of tertiary institutions in South-south Nigeria. Two
research questions were answered while two hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance.
Descriptive survey research design was adopted in carrying out the study. The population and
sample of the study comprised 1,736 administrators from the existing public tertiary institutions
in the six South-South States of Nigeria. The sample of the study is 868; represents 50% of the
population. The instrument that was used for data collection was a structured questionnaire
titled: Human Resource Recruitment and Training Questionnaire (HRRTQ) face-validated by
three experts. The reliability of the instrument was ascertained using Cronbach Alpha reliability
method which yielded a coefficient of 0.85 for human resource recruitment competencies and
0.91 for human resource training competencies. Data collected were analyzed using mean for
answering the research questions while analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for testing the
hypotheses. Based on the data collected and analysed, the study identified 11 human resource
recruitment competencies and 11 human resource training competencies required by
administrators for effective management of tertiary institutions in South-south, Nigeria. There
are no significant (p<0.05) difference in the mean ratings of the responses of administrators in
universities, polytechnics and colleges of education on the human resource management
competencies required for employees recruitment and training in tertiary institutions in SouthSouth, Nigeria. Hence, the study among others recommended that the findings of this study
should be packaged into a pamphlet and made available to all categories of administrators in
tertiary institutions to serve as a guide in their human resource management and conduct of
their duties in the school.
Abu, M. (2008). Competency Improvement needs of farmers in soil conservation in Kogi State.
An Unpublished M.Ed Project, Department of Vocational Teacher Education,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Ajayi, O. S. (2017). Staff Training and Development Needs of Public Civil Servants in Ondo
State. Unpublished Project, Educational Management, Adekunle Ajasin University,
Akungba, Akoko, Ondo State.
Armstrong, M. (2012). Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice, 12th
edition. London: Kogan Page.
Check, J and Schutt, R. K. (2012). Survey research. In: J. Check, R. K. Schutt., (editors)
Research methods in education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Ezeani, N. E and Oladele, R. (2013). Implications of training and development programmes on
Accountants’ productivity in selected business organizations in Onitsha, Anambra State,
Nigeria. ,International Journal of Asian Social Science, 3(1), 266 - 281.
Federal Government of Nigeria (2014). National Policy on Education. Lagos: NERC Press.
Gamage, A. S. (2014). Recruitment and selection practices in manufacturing SMEs in Japan: An
analysis of the link with business performance. Ruhuna Journal of Management and
Finance, 1(1), 37 – 52.
International labour Organization. [ILO] (2018). Selecting Human Resource Requirement for
Cooperate Organizations. Geneva: International labour Organization.
Isiwu, E. C. (2015). Development of Entrepreneurial Training Programme on Grasscutter
Production for enhancing the Income of Pensioners in South East, Nigeria. A Project Submitted to Department of Vocational Teachers Education, University of Nigeria,
Kanyemba, M., Iwu, C. G and Allen-He, C. O. K. (2015). Impact of recruitment and selection
on organizational productivity, evidence from staff a university in South Africa.
Corporate Ownership and Control, 12(2), 177 - 188.
Kossivi, B., Xu, M and Kalgora B. (2016). Study determining factors of employee retention.
Open Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 262 - 268.
Ofoegbu, T. & Alonge, A. (2017). Recruitment and selection practices in small and medium
enterprises. Journal of Educational Management, 4(1), 59 - 73
Okute, A. L and Agomuo, E. E. (2010). Business teacher’s perception of the application of elearning in reforming business courses delivery system in Tertiary Institutions in crossriver and Akwa Ibom State. Nigerian Vocational Association Journal, 15(1), 40 - 54.
Olaitan, S. O. (2003). Understanding curriculum. Nsukka, Nigeria: Ndudim Printing and
Publishing Co.
Olaniyan, D. A and Ojo, L. B. (2008). Staff Training and Development: A Vital Tool for
Organizational Effectiveness. European Journal of Scientific Research, 24(3) 326 –
Omisore, B. O and Okofu, B. I. (2014). Staff recruitment and selection process in the Nigerian
Public Service: What is to be done? International Journal of Human Resource Studies,
4(3), 280 – 293.
Ponto, J. (2015). Understanding and Evaluating Survey Research. Journal of Advance
Practitioner in Oncology, 6(2), 168 – 171.
Sangeetha, K. (2010). Effective Recruitment: A Framework. IUP Journal of Business Strategy,
7(1/2), 93 – 107.
TutorialPoint (2020). Recruitment Process. Retrieved 10th February, 2020 from
Zirra, C. T. O., Ogbu, J. O & Ojo, G. R. (2017). Impact of recruitment and selection strategy on
employees’ performance: A study of three selected manufacturing Companies in
Nigeria. International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development, 3(3), 32 – 43.
An Unpublished M.Ed Project, Department of Vocational Teacher Education,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Ajayi, O. S. (2017). Staff Training and Development Needs of Public Civil Servants in Ondo
State. Unpublished Project, Educational Management, Adekunle Ajasin University,
Akungba, Akoko, Ondo State.
Armstrong, M. (2012). Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice, 12th
edition. London: Kogan Page.
Check, J and Schutt, R. K. (2012). Survey research. In: J. Check, R. K. Schutt., (editors)
Research methods in education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Ezeani, N. E and Oladele, R. (2013). Implications of training and development programmes on
Accountants’ productivity in selected business organizations in Onitsha, Anambra State,
Nigeria. ,International Journal of Asian Social Science, 3(1), 266 - 281.
Federal Government of Nigeria (2014). National Policy on Education. Lagos: NERC Press.
Gamage, A. S. (2014). Recruitment and selection practices in manufacturing SMEs in Japan: An
analysis of the link with business performance. Ruhuna Journal of Management and
Finance, 1(1), 37 – 52.
International labour Organization. [ILO] (2018). Selecting Human Resource Requirement for
Cooperate Organizations. Geneva: International labour Organization.
Isiwu, E. C. (2015). Development of Entrepreneurial Training Programme on Grasscutter
Production for enhancing the Income of Pensioners in South East, Nigeria. A Project Submitted to Department of Vocational Teachers Education, University of Nigeria,
Kanyemba, M., Iwu, C. G and Allen-He, C. O. K. (2015). Impact of recruitment and selection
on organizational productivity, evidence from staff a university in South Africa.
Corporate Ownership and Control, 12(2), 177 - 188.
Kossivi, B., Xu, M and Kalgora B. (2016). Study determining factors of employee retention.
Open Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 262 - 268.
Ofoegbu, T. & Alonge, A. (2017). Recruitment and selection practices in small and medium
enterprises. Journal of Educational Management, 4(1), 59 - 73
Okute, A. L and Agomuo, E. E. (2010). Business teacher’s perception of the application of elearning in reforming business courses delivery system in Tertiary Institutions in crossriver and Akwa Ibom State. Nigerian Vocational Association Journal, 15(1), 40 - 54.
Olaitan, S. O. (2003). Understanding curriculum. Nsukka, Nigeria: Ndudim Printing and
Publishing Co.
Olaniyan, D. A and Ojo, L. B. (2008). Staff Training and Development: A Vital Tool for
Organizational Effectiveness. European Journal of Scientific Research, 24(3) 326 –
Omisore, B. O and Okofu, B. I. (2014). Staff recruitment and selection process in the Nigerian
Public Service: What is to be done? International Journal of Human Resource Studies,
4(3), 280 – 293.
Ponto, J. (2015). Understanding and Evaluating Survey Research. Journal of Advance
Practitioner in Oncology, 6(2), 168 – 171.
Sangeetha, K. (2010). Effective Recruitment: A Framework. IUP Journal of Business Strategy,
7(1/2), 93 – 107.
TutorialPoint (2020). Recruitment Process. Retrieved 10th February, 2020 from
Zirra, C. T. O., Ogbu, J. O & Ojo, G. R. (2017). Impact of recruitment and selection strategy on
employees’ performance: A study of three selected manufacturing Companies in
Nigeria. International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development, 3(3), 32 – 43.