Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 6 (2021)
Okoli, Constance. I Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
Nwosu, Chidiebere J Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
This study ascertained human relation skills needed by business education graduates for
sustainability of SMEs in Imo State. One research question guided the study while two null
hypotheses were tested. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The
sstudy was carried out in Imo State. The population of this study comprised 130 SMEs registered
with the Imo State chamber of Commerce and Industry as at 2019. The entire population of 130
registered SMEs was used for the study since the size is considered manageable. Data for the
study was collected using a validated research questionnaire. Cronbach Alpha was used to
determine the internal consistency of the instrument which yielded a reliability coefficient value
of 0.81. Arithmetic mean and standard deviation was used to answer research questions and
determine the homogeneity or otherwise of the respondents’ ratings. The t-test and Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA) was used to test the null hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed
among others that applying positive reinforcement when relating with others, developing good
customer orientation for effective operation, persuading customers and stakeholder as expected
were highly needed human relations skill. The finding also revealed that there was no significant
difference in the mean responses of SME managers on human relation skills needed by business
education graduates for sustainability of SMEs based on their years of experience. Based on the
findings, it was recommended among others that business education graduates should attend
more workshops, seminars, and conferences that emphasizes on the importance of human
relations skills for sustainability of SMEs.
sustainability of SMEs in Imo State. One research question guided the study while two null
hypotheses were tested. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The
sstudy was carried out in Imo State. The population of this study comprised 130 SMEs registered
with the Imo State chamber of Commerce and Industry as at 2019. The entire population of 130
registered SMEs was used for the study since the size is considered manageable. Data for the
study was collected using a validated research questionnaire. Cronbach Alpha was used to
determine the internal consistency of the instrument which yielded a reliability coefficient value
of 0.81. Arithmetic mean and standard deviation was used to answer research questions and
determine the homogeneity or otherwise of the respondents’ ratings. The t-test and Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA) was used to test the null hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed
among others that applying positive reinforcement when relating with others, developing good
customer orientation for effective operation, persuading customers and stakeholder as expected
were highly needed human relations skill. The finding also revealed that there was no significant
difference in the mean responses of SME managers on human relation skills needed by business
education graduates for sustainability of SMEs based on their years of experience. Based on the
findings, it was recommended among others that business education graduates should attend
more workshops, seminars, and conferences that emphasizes on the importance of human
relations skills for sustainability of SMEs.
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graduates for self empowerment. Nigerian journal of Education, Health and Technological Research
(NJEHETR), 3(1), 101-107.
Etonyeaku E. A. C. (2009). Quality assurance for youth empowerment through business education and
entrepreneurship education for national development.Nigerian Vocational Education Journal. 1(3),
Ezenwafor, J. I., & Olaniyi, O. N. (2017). Ratings skills needed by business education graduates for
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Federal Republic of Nigeria, (2013). National policy on education (5thed). Lagos: National Education Research
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Fisher, K., Geenen, J., & Jurcevic, M., (2010). CSR in SMEs. Do SMEs Matter? Business ethics: An European
Review. Wiley Online Library.
Hall, J. A. (2012). Nonverbal cues and communication. Encyclopaedia of social psychology.Ed. Thousand Oaks,
CA: retrieved from http:/ / edwards/study/materials/reference/77593_14.2ref.pdf
Ihebereme, C. (2010). Teachers and students perception of the problems of effective skill acquisition in senior
secondary schools. Journal of Qualitative Education, 6(2), 1-6.
Jaja, S.A, & Arugu, L.O. (2015). Effective management of Human Resources for Business and Church Growth.
African Research Review. An international multidisciplinary journal, Ethiopia. Vol 9(2), 189-196.
Kaegon, I.E.S. (2009). Entrepreneurship and education of youths for sustainable development in Nigerian
tertiary institutions. African Journal of Educational Research and Development, 3(2), 133-141.
Kanu, A.M. (2015). An investigation into the prevalence of HRM practices in SMEs: Sierra Leone an example.
Developing Country Studies, 5(6), 11-28.
Kowald, T. O. (2014). Self smarts: Knowing yourself is the first step to success. Retrieved
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National Research Council. (2010). exploring the intersection of science education and 21stcentury skills: A
workshop summary. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press
National Bureau of Statistics. (2021). Role of SMEs in driving economic recovery in Nigeria through markets
and intellectual property. Retrieved from http://
Nwosu, E. N, & Maben, A. (2008). Towards improved capacity building in Business Education. Business
education book of reading, 1(8).
Obi, E. C., &Otamiri, S. (2010). Information and communication technology in business education: Challenges
and the way forward. Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 7(4), 90-99.
Okoli, C. I. & Ibeh, F.G.(2017). Employer’s rating of skills Needed by Business Education Graduates For
Employability in Enugu State.AfricanJournal of Sustainabiliy and Development, 7(3), 185-196.
Okoli, C. I., &Ezenwafor J. I. (2015). Managers’ rating of skills considered necessary for the success of SMEs
for curbing social vices in Anambra and Enugu States of Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Business
Educators, 2(3), 213 – 223.
Okoli, C.I., & Osi, D.O. (2019). Adequacy of Human Resources for Skill Acquisition in Entrpreneurship
Development Centres for Inclusive Education in Tertiary Institutions in Enugu State.International
journal of Educational Research and Development. 7, 198-205.
Oroka, O.V. (2013). Working capital management practices required by small and medium scale enterprises for
effective operation in Delta State. A Master’s Thesis, Department of Vocational Teacher Education,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Onyeoke, J.E., & Owenvbiugie, R.O., (2021). Skills and knowledge required by business Education Graduates
for Entrepreneurship Survival. Multidisciplinary Journal of Vocational Education & Research, 1(4),
Rasberry, R. W., & Lemoine, L. F. (2012). Effective managerial communication. Boston: MAKent.
Rush, M. (2013). Benefit of nonverbal communication in business. Retrieved
Eze, T.I., & Nwogo, I.E., (2017). Small and Medium Scale Business Managers’ Ratings of Operational
Communication Strategies for Success of Enterprises in Enugu State. NAU Journal of Technology
and Vocational Education, 2(1), 118-127.
Ugwushi, B. I, & Siyanbola. T.O, (2012). Critical challenges limiting small business performance in Nigeria; an
exploratory investigation. International journal of Business and Globalization, 9(2), 171-185, 2012.
universities in Anambra State.
Adeusi, S.O. (2015), Entrepreneurship and small medium scale (SMEs) financing. Process and Legal Aspects of
Entrepreneurship. Ado-Ekiti Green line Publisher, 1-15.
Banabo, E., Ndiomu, K., and Koroye, B. (2011). Human resources management skills required of tertiary
institution administrators in the Niger Delta States of Nigeria. Current Research Journal of Social
Sciences, 3(6), 432 – 444.
Ben-Eli, M.U., (2018). Sustainability: Definition and five core principles, a systems perspective. Journal
ofSustainability science, 13(5), 1337-1343.
Cameron, T.S., & Pickering, F. (2012). Soft skills seminar 8: Interpersonal relationship skills. Retrieved from
Constantin, B., Shahrazad, H., & Ruxandra, B.(2020). Paradigm shift in Business Education. A competency
based approach. Sustainability journal of social sciences, 12(4), 1348,2020.
Deen, M.S., (2013). ICT access and usage among informal business in Africa. Journal of Policy, Regulation and
Strategy for Telecommunication, Information and Media. Pg 52, vol.15(5), 2013.
Egwunyenga, C.A., & Ranor, C. L. (2012). Entrepreneurial skills needed by vocational and technical education
graduates for self empowerment. Nigerian journal of Education, Health and Technological Research
(NJEHETR), 3(1), 101-107.
Etonyeaku E. A. C. (2009). Quality assurance for youth empowerment through business education and
entrepreneurship education for national development.Nigerian Vocational Education Journal. 1(3),
Ezenwafor, J. I., & Olaniyi, O. N. (2017). Ratings skills needed by business education graduates for
entrepreneurial development in South West Nigeria. International Journal of Entrepreneurial
Development, Education and Science Research, 4(1), 165 – 177.
Federal Republic of Nigeria, (2013). National policy on education (5thed). Lagos: National Education Research
and Development Council (NERDC).
Fisher, K., Geenen, J., & Jurcevic, M., (2010). CSR in SMEs. Do SMEs Matter? Business ethics: An European
Review. Wiley Online Library.
Hall, J. A. (2012). Nonverbal cues and communication. Encyclopaedia of social psychology.Ed. Thousand Oaks,
CA: retrieved from http:/ / edwards/study/materials/reference/77593_14.2ref.pdf
Ihebereme, C. (2010). Teachers and students perception of the problems of effective skill acquisition in senior
secondary schools. Journal of Qualitative Education, 6(2), 1-6.
Jaja, S.A, & Arugu, L.O. (2015). Effective management of Human Resources for Business and Church Growth.
African Research Review. An international multidisciplinary journal, Ethiopia. Vol 9(2), 189-196.
Kaegon, I.E.S. (2009). Entrepreneurship and education of youths for sustainable development in Nigerian
tertiary institutions. African Journal of Educational Research and Development, 3(2), 133-141.
Kanu, A.M. (2015). An investigation into the prevalence of HRM practices in SMEs: Sierra Leone an example.
Developing Country Studies, 5(6), 11-28.
Kowald, T. O. (2014). Self smarts: Knowing yourself is the first step to success. Retrieved
from Self-Smarts-Knowing-YourselfIs-the-First-Step-to-Success.aspx.
National Research Council. (2010). exploring the intersection of science education and 21stcentury skills: A
workshop summary. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press
National Bureau of Statistics. (2021). Role of SMEs in driving economic recovery in Nigeria through markets
and intellectual property. Retrieved from http://
Nwosu, E. N, & Maben, A. (2008). Towards improved capacity building in Business Education. Business
education book of reading, 1(8).
Obi, E. C., &Otamiri, S. (2010). Information and communication technology in business education: Challenges
and the way forward. Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 7(4), 90-99.
Okoli, C. I. & Ibeh, F.G.(2017). Employer’s rating of skills Needed by Business Education Graduates For
Employability in Enugu State.AfricanJournal of Sustainabiliy and Development, 7(3), 185-196.
Okoli, C. I., &Ezenwafor J. I. (2015). Managers’ rating of skills considered necessary for the success of SMEs
for curbing social vices in Anambra and Enugu States of Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Business
Educators, 2(3), 213 – 223.
Okoli, C.I., & Osi, D.O. (2019). Adequacy of Human Resources for Skill Acquisition in Entrpreneurship
Development Centres for Inclusive Education in Tertiary Institutions in Enugu State.International
journal of Educational Research and Development. 7, 198-205.
Oroka, O.V. (2013). Working capital management practices required by small and medium scale enterprises for
effective operation in Delta State. A Master’s Thesis, Department of Vocational Teacher Education,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Onyeoke, J.E., & Owenvbiugie, R.O., (2021). Skills and knowledge required by business Education Graduates
for Entrepreneurship Survival. Multidisciplinary Journal of Vocational Education & Research, 1(4),
Rasberry, R. W., & Lemoine, L. F. (2012). Effective managerial communication. Boston: MAKent.
Rush, M. (2013). Benefit of nonverbal communication in business. Retrieved
Eze, T.I., & Nwogo, I.E., (2017). Small and Medium Scale Business Managers’ Ratings of Operational
Communication Strategies for Success of Enterprises in Enugu State. NAU Journal of Technology
and Vocational Education, 2(1), 118-127.
Ugwushi, B. I, & Siyanbola. T.O, (2012). Critical challenges limiting small business performance in Nigeria; an
exploratory investigation. International journal of Business and Globalization, 9(2), 171-185, 2012.