Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 7 (2022)
Obidile, Jacinta Ifeoma Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
Ezoem, Blessing Uche Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
The need to enhance job satisfaction and minimize the rate of brain drain experienced by
business educators in colleges of education necessitated this study. This study examined job
satisfaction as correlate of business educators work adjustment in colleges of education in Delta
State. The study adopted the correlation research design. The population of for the study
comprised 82 full time business educators in colleges of education in Delta state. The
instruments for data collection were structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was validated
by three experts with the reliability Coefficients of 0.71 and 0.81 respectively, established using
Cronbach alpha’s method. Data collected were analysed using Pearson product moment
correlation analysis and linear regression analysis. The findings of this study revealed that a high
positive relationship of 0.700 exists between job satisfaction and work adjustment of business
educators with 1-9 years work experience, while, a moderate positive relationship of 0.571 exists
between job satisfaction and work adjustment of business educators with 10 years and above
work experience in colleges of education. On the other hand, there was a statistically significant
correlation between job satisfaction and work adjustment of business educators with 1-9 years
work experience and no statistically significant relationship for those with 10 years and above
work experience. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that motivational
needs of business educators should be continually addressed for enhanced productivity.
business educators in colleges of education necessitated this study. This study examined job
satisfaction as correlate of business educators work adjustment in colleges of education in Delta
State. The study adopted the correlation research design. The population of for the study
comprised 82 full time business educators in colleges of education in Delta state. The
instruments for data collection were structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was validated
by three experts with the reliability Coefficients of 0.71 and 0.81 respectively, established using
Cronbach alpha’s method. Data collected were analysed using Pearson product moment
correlation analysis and linear regression analysis. The findings of this study revealed that a high
positive relationship of 0.700 exists between job satisfaction and work adjustment of business
educators with 1-9 years work experience, while, a moderate positive relationship of 0.571 exists
between job satisfaction and work adjustment of business educators with 10 years and above
work experience in colleges of education. On the other hand, there was a statistically significant
correlation between job satisfaction and work adjustment of business educators with 1-9 years
work experience and no statistically significant relationship for those with 10 years and above
work experience. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that motivational
needs of business educators should be continually addressed for enhanced productivity.
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Anticipated Turnover among Nurses in Sidama Zone Public Health Facilities. South
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Ajayi, O. L. (2017). Job stress and job satisfaction as significant predictor of turnover intention
of employees of Guinness Nigeria plc. Research Project submitted to the Department of
Economics and Business Studies Submitted to the College of Postgraduate Studies,
Redeemers University, Ede, Osun State.
Ajisafe, O.E, Bolarinwa, K. & Omotayo E.T (2015). Issues in business education programme:
challenges to National transformation. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(21). ISSN 2222-1735.
Asegid, A., Belachew, T. & Yimam, E. (2014). Factors influencing job satisfaction and
anticipated turnover among Nurses in Sidama Zone public health facilities, South
Ethopia. Nursing Research and Practice, 7(3).
Candidus, C.N. & Phyllis, A.C (2018). Teacher Motivation and Job Satisfaction: A Case Study
of North West Nigeria. Global Journal of Educational Research, 17(2), 103-112.
Dykstra, L. E. (2020). The intersection of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction and motivation of
instructional designers in online higher education: A transcendental phenomelogical
study. A dissertation presented to Liberty University, Lyncburg, VA.
Dziuba, S.T., Ingaldi, M. & Zhuravskaya, M. (2020). Job satisfaction and their work
performance as elements influencing work safety. System safety: Human-Technical
Facility-Environment, 2, 18-25.
Gaunya, C.R (2016). Organizational Climate as a Determinant of Job Satisfaction among Public
Sector Employees in Kisii Country Kenya. International Institute for Science,
Technology and Education. Journal of Development and Management, 23(10), 11-25.
Hee, O.C., Shi, C.H., Kowang, T.O., Fei, G.C. & Ping, L. L. (2020). Factors influencing job
satisfaction among academic staff. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in
Education 9(2), 285-291.
Kollmann, T, Stöckmann, C., Kensbock, J.M. and Peschl, A. (2020). What satisfies younger
versus older employees, and why? An aging perspective on equity theory to explain
interactive effects of employee age, monetary rewards, and task contributions on job
satisfaction. Hum Resource Management, 1–15.
Jerotich, K.R. & Box, P.O. (2015). The effect of the level of motivation of Kiswahili teachers
on performance of students in secondary schools in Elgeyo Marakwet County, Keiyo
SubCounty, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(29), 1 – 6
Khahan, N. & Peerapong, P. (2013). Influence of Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction Effect
Work Adjustment for Entering Labour Market of New Graduates in Thailand.
International Journal of Business and Social Science 4(2).
Kollman, T., Stoeckmann, C., Kensbock, J. M. & Peschl, A. (2020). What satisfies emplyees,
and why? An aging perspective on equity theory to explain interaction, age, mpnetery
rewards, and task contribution on job satisfaction. Human Resources, 101-115.
Kyunghee, M., Ronald, P. Izumi, S. & Hyun, Y. P. (2020). Challenges in acculturation among
international students from Asian collectivist cultures. Higher Education Studies, 10(3),
Miao, R. & Gil Kim, H. (2010). Perceived Organizational Support, Job Satisfaction and
Employee Performance: A Chinese Empirical Study. Available at:
Nur-Shafini, M.S., Amaleena-Syamimie, E.A.Z., Ahmed-Suffian, M.Z.; Ali, S.R.O. and Suzila,
M.S. (2015). Relationship between employee motivation and job performance: A study
at Universiti Teknologi MARA (Terengganu). Mediterranean Journal of Social
Sciences, 6(4), 632-638
Nworgu, B.G. (2015). Educational research: Basic issues & methodology (3rd Ed). Enugu State;
University Trust publishers.
Obidile, J. I. & Onyeneke, E. N. (2023). Entrepreneurial competencies required by business
education graduates for successful entrepreneurial development. Covenant Journal of
Entrepreneurship, 6(1), 1-10.
Sharma, S. (2016). Adjustment: Process, achievement, characteristics, Measurement and
Dimensions. International Journal of Academic Research, 3(2), 42-46.
Ukah, T. A. & Atah, C. A. (2022). Lecturers’ perceived strategies for teaching business
education content for the acquisition of skills competencies in tertiary institutions in
Cross River State. Nigerian Journal of Business Education, (1), 91-99.
Varma, C. (2017). Importance of employee motivation & job satisfaction for organizational
performance. International Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research, 6(2),
10-20. Online available at
Anticipated Turnover among Nurses in Sidama Zone Public Health Facilities. South
Ethiopia. Nursing Research and Practice. doi: 10.1155/2014/909768.
Ajayi, O. L. (2017). Job stress and job satisfaction as significant predictor of turnover intention
of employees of Guinness Nigeria plc. Research Project submitted to the Department of
Economics and Business Studies Submitted to the College of Postgraduate Studies,
Redeemers University, Ede, Osun State.
Ajisafe, O.E, Bolarinwa, K. & Omotayo E.T (2015). Issues in business education programme:
challenges to National transformation. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(21). ISSN 2222-1735.
Asegid, A., Belachew, T. & Yimam, E. (2014). Factors influencing job satisfaction and
anticipated turnover among Nurses in Sidama Zone public health facilities, South
Ethopia. Nursing Research and Practice, 7(3).
Candidus, C.N. & Phyllis, A.C (2018). Teacher Motivation and Job Satisfaction: A Case Study
of North West Nigeria. Global Journal of Educational Research, 17(2), 103-112.
Dykstra, L. E. (2020). The intersection of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction and motivation of
instructional designers in online higher education: A transcendental phenomelogical
study. A dissertation presented to Liberty University, Lyncburg, VA.
Dziuba, S.T., Ingaldi, M. & Zhuravskaya, M. (2020). Job satisfaction and their work
performance as elements influencing work safety. System safety: Human-Technical
Facility-Environment, 2, 18-25.
Gaunya, C.R (2016). Organizational Climate as a Determinant of Job Satisfaction among Public
Sector Employees in Kisii Country Kenya. International Institute for Science,
Technology and Education. Journal of Development and Management, 23(10), 11-25.
Hee, O.C., Shi, C.H., Kowang, T.O., Fei, G.C. & Ping, L. L. (2020). Factors influencing job
satisfaction among academic staff. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in
Education 9(2), 285-291.
Kollmann, T, Stöckmann, C., Kensbock, J.M. and Peschl, A. (2020). What satisfies younger
versus older employees, and why? An aging perspective on equity theory to explain
interactive effects of employee age, monetary rewards, and task contributions on job
satisfaction. Hum Resource Management, 1–15.
Jerotich, K.R. & Box, P.O. (2015). The effect of the level of motivation of Kiswahili teachers
on performance of students in secondary schools in Elgeyo Marakwet County, Keiyo
SubCounty, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(29), 1 – 6
Khahan, N. & Peerapong, P. (2013). Influence of Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction Effect
Work Adjustment for Entering Labour Market of New Graduates in Thailand.
International Journal of Business and Social Science 4(2).
Kollman, T., Stoeckmann, C., Kensbock, J. M. & Peschl, A. (2020). What satisfies emplyees,
and why? An aging perspective on equity theory to explain interaction, age, mpnetery
rewards, and task contribution on job satisfaction. Human Resources, 101-115.
Kyunghee, M., Ronald, P. Izumi, S. & Hyun, Y. P. (2020). Challenges in acculturation among
international students from Asian collectivist cultures. Higher Education Studies, 10(3),
Miao, R. & Gil Kim, H. (2010). Perceived Organizational Support, Job Satisfaction and
Employee Performance: A Chinese Empirical Study. Available at:
Nur-Shafini, M.S., Amaleena-Syamimie, E.A.Z., Ahmed-Suffian, M.Z.; Ali, S.R.O. and Suzila,
M.S. (2015). Relationship between employee motivation and job performance: A study
at Universiti Teknologi MARA (Terengganu). Mediterranean Journal of Social
Sciences, 6(4), 632-638
Nworgu, B.G. (2015). Educational research: Basic issues & methodology (3rd Ed). Enugu State;
University Trust publishers.
Obidile, J. I. & Onyeneke, E. N. (2023). Entrepreneurial competencies required by business
education graduates for successful entrepreneurial development. Covenant Journal of
Entrepreneurship, 6(1), 1-10.
Sharma, S. (2016). Adjustment: Process, achievement, characteristics, Measurement and
Dimensions. International Journal of Academic Research, 3(2), 42-46.
Ukah, T. A. & Atah, C. A. (2022). Lecturers’ perceived strategies for teaching business
education content for the acquisition of skills competencies in tertiary institutions in
Cross River State. Nigerian Journal of Business Education, (1), 91-99.
Varma, C. (2017). Importance of employee motivation & job satisfaction for organizational
performance. International Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research, 6(2),
10-20. Online available at