Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 7 (2022)
Ezenwafor, Justina I Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
Onokpaunu, Michel O Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
The study conducted a needs assessment of the aadequacy of accounting education curriculum
contents in federal colleges of education in South-South, Nigeria. One research question was
raised and one null hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted
sequential explanatory mixed methods research design. The entire population of 148 (68
accounting educators and 148 final year accounting education students) was studied without
sampling. A five-point rating scale questionnaire which was validated by experts and semistructured interview schedule were used for data collection. The questionnaire has a reliability
coefficient value of 0.73 using the internal consistency method with Cronbach alpha. Mean,
standard deviation and t-test were used to analyze quantitative data while thematic analysis was
used for qualitative data. The study revealed that aaccounting educators rated the curriculum
contents of the programme as very highly adequate while the graduating students rated them as
highly adequate. This means that small gap which is not significant exists between ratings of the
accounting educators and graduating students on the adequacy of curriculum contents of the
programme for skills acquisition. Furthermore, need for curriculum enrichment was the theme
identified. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the lack of skills to secure employment
among graduates of the programme is related to other factors and not contents of the curriculum
although there are few areas the contents do not align with today’s sophisticated accounting
workplace. It was recommended among others that curriculum developers should obtain updated
information from employers of labour on skills they need from accounting education graduates
in order to emphasize them in the curriculum and prescribe requirements for developing them in
students for smooth transition from school to work.
contents in federal colleges of education in South-South, Nigeria. One research question was
raised and one null hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted
sequential explanatory mixed methods research design. The entire population of 148 (68
accounting educators and 148 final year accounting education students) was studied without
sampling. A five-point rating scale questionnaire which was validated by experts and semistructured interview schedule were used for data collection. The questionnaire has a reliability
coefficient value of 0.73 using the internal consistency method with Cronbach alpha. Mean,
standard deviation and t-test were used to analyze quantitative data while thematic analysis was
used for qualitative data. The study revealed that aaccounting educators rated the curriculum
contents of the programme as very highly adequate while the graduating students rated them as
highly adequate. This means that small gap which is not significant exists between ratings of the
accounting educators and graduating students on the adequacy of curriculum contents of the
programme for skills acquisition. Furthermore, need for curriculum enrichment was the theme
identified. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the lack of skills to secure employment
among graduates of the programme is related to other factors and not contents of the curriculum
although there are few areas the contents do not align with today’s sophisticated accounting
workplace. It was recommended among others that curriculum developers should obtain updated
information from employers of labour on skills they need from accounting education graduates
in order to emphasize them in the curriculum and prescribe requirements for developing them in
students for smooth transition from school to work.
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employability skills among graduates of universities in Cross River State, Nigeria.European Journal of
Education Studies, 5(10), 76 – 90
Efanimjor, I., & Okolocha, C. C. (2020).Assessment of the adequacy of curriculum content of business
education for skills acquisition in colleges of education in Edo and Delta States. IOSR Journal of
Research & Method in Education, 10(1), 1-12
Ekwe, M. C., & Abuka, C. K (2014). Accounting skills for sustainable developing of small andmedium scale
enterprise in Taraba State. International journal of Education learning andDevelopment, 2(2), 9-49
Ezenwafor, J. I., & Onokpaunu, M. O. (2017). Perception of business educators on the relevance of integrating
globalized workplace skills in the business education curriculum in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
Education & Science Journal of Policy Review and Curriculum Development, 7(1), 1–10.
Hui-chuan, W. (2014). An analysis of EFL learners’ needs for student-centered translation course design. Study
in English Language Teaching, 2(1), 76 - 94
Ibrahim, A. (2014). Assessment of the adequacy of university students’ business education curriculum content
for the acquisition of requisite job skills and job opportunities in Nigeria. Unpublished Doctoral
Dissertation, Department of Vocational and Technical Education, Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello
University, Zaria
Mong, I. K., & Okolocha, C. C. (2019).Assessment of accounting competencies possessed by business education
graduates for handling entrepreneurship challenges in Abia State, Nigeria. International Journal of
Accounting Research, 4(2), 1 – 11.
National Commission for Colleges of Education (2012). Minimum Academic Standard for colleges of Education.
Abuja. NEDRC Press.
Nugraha, S. T., Suwandi, S., Nurkamto, J., & Saddhono, K. (2018). The importance of needs
assessment for the implementation of e-learning in a language program. KnE Social
Sciences/The 1st International Seminar on Language, Literature and Education (ISLEE,
2017), 254–260.
Salihu, S. U. (2014). Needs analysis of the national diploma programme in electrical/electronic
engineering curriculum in preparing students for employment in North-West, Nigeria.
Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Department of Vocational Teacher Education, University
of Nigeria, Nsukka
Tinh, L. C. (2018). Needs analysis of English for mechanical engineers in the Vietnamese
context.Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Victoria University of Wellington
Uchenna, E. R., Stephen, A. I., & Akujieze, M. O. (2020). Evaluation of accounting education
programme in colleges of education in South East Nigeria.Journal of Education and
Practice, 11(8), 39 - 45
Udo, M. P., & Bako, D. H. (2014). Acquiring maximum vocational business education skills and
competencies for sustainable development in Nigeria. Journal of Educational and Social
Research, 4(7), 53-60.
Ugwu, I. V., Ezeabii, I. C., & Ugwunwoti, P. E. (2020).Challenges of teaching and learning of
accounting education in tertiary institutions in Enugu State of Nigeria.International Journal
of Vocational and Technical Education Research, 6(2), 1-10.
Ukpong, O. U., & Udo, S. D. (2014). Sufficiency of accounting curriculum in equipping students
with international financial reporting standards skills in Nigerian universities. Academic
Discourse: An International Journal, 7(1), 1 – 8.
Umoru, T. A., & Bala, Y. (2018). Office technology and accounting skills possessed by business
education students in colleges of education for management of small scale businesses in
Adamawa state.
Teaching, 3(2),146 – 152
Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
approaches (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Edeti, D. A., &Udida, F. U. (2019) Business education programs curriculum contents and acquisition of
employability skills among graduates of universities in Cross River State, Nigeria.European Journal of
Education Studies, 5(10), 76 – 90
Efanimjor, I., & Okolocha, C. C. (2020).Assessment of the adequacy of curriculum content of business
education for skills acquisition in colleges of education in Edo and Delta States. IOSR Journal of
Research & Method in Education, 10(1), 1-12
Ekwe, M. C., & Abuka, C. K (2014). Accounting skills for sustainable developing of small andmedium scale
enterprise in Taraba State. International journal of Education learning andDevelopment, 2(2), 9-49
Ezenwafor, J. I., & Onokpaunu, M. O. (2017). Perception of business educators on the relevance of integrating
globalized workplace skills in the business education curriculum in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
Education & Science Journal of Policy Review and Curriculum Development, 7(1), 1–10.
Hui-chuan, W. (2014). An analysis of EFL learners’ needs for student-centered translation course design. Study
in English Language Teaching, 2(1), 76 - 94
Ibrahim, A. (2014). Assessment of the adequacy of university students’ business education curriculum content
for the acquisition of requisite job skills and job opportunities in Nigeria. Unpublished Doctoral
Dissertation, Department of Vocational and Technical Education, Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello
University, Zaria
Mong, I. K., & Okolocha, C. C. (2019).Assessment of accounting competencies possessed by business education
graduates for handling entrepreneurship challenges in Abia State, Nigeria. International Journal of
Accounting Research, 4(2), 1 – 11.
National Commission for Colleges of Education (2012). Minimum Academic Standard for colleges of Education.
Abuja. NEDRC Press.
Nugraha, S. T., Suwandi, S., Nurkamto, J., & Saddhono, K. (2018). The importance of needs
assessment for the implementation of e-learning in a language program. KnE Social
Sciences/The 1st International Seminar on Language, Literature and Education (ISLEE,
2017), 254–260.
Salihu, S. U. (2014). Needs analysis of the national diploma programme in electrical/electronic
engineering curriculum in preparing students for employment in North-West, Nigeria.
Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Department of Vocational Teacher Education, University
of Nigeria, Nsukka
Tinh, L. C. (2018). Needs analysis of English for mechanical engineers in the Vietnamese
context.Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Victoria University of Wellington
Uchenna, E. R., Stephen, A. I., & Akujieze, M. O. (2020). Evaluation of accounting education
programme in colleges of education in South East Nigeria.Journal of Education and
Practice, 11(8), 39 - 45
Udo, M. P., & Bako, D. H. (2014). Acquiring maximum vocational business education skills and
competencies for sustainable development in Nigeria. Journal of Educational and Social
Research, 4(7), 53-60.
Ugwu, I. V., Ezeabii, I. C., & Ugwunwoti, P. E. (2020).Challenges of teaching and learning of
accounting education in tertiary institutions in Enugu State of Nigeria.International Journal
of Vocational and Technical Education Research, 6(2), 1-10.
Ukpong, O. U., & Udo, S. D. (2014). Sufficiency of accounting curriculum in equipping students
with international financial reporting standards skills in Nigerian universities. Academic
Discourse: An International Journal, 7(1), 1 – 8.
Umoru, T. A., & Bala, Y. (2018). Office technology and accounting skills possessed by business
education students in colleges of education for management of small scale businesses in
Adamawa state.