Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 7 (2022)
Ogbaga, Onyinye Agnes Department of Science Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
Osuafor, Abigail M Department of Science Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
The need for higher success in academic achievement of students in biology has always been the
concern of science teachers, educational assessors and evaluator. It is necessary to experiment
more student-centre methods of teaching. This study, therefore, ascertain the effects of
brainstorming and think-pair-share teaching strategies when compared with the usual
conventional teaching method. Two research questions were answered and two corresponding
hypotheses were tested. The quasi-experimental research design was employed. One hundred
and thirty-nine senior secondary school students were sampled. The biology achievement test
(BAT) with multiple choice questions was used as the instrument for data collection. The BAT
was subjected to face and content validity, while Kuder-Richardson method was used for the
reliability, which yielded a coefficient of 0.71. data were collected as pre-test, post-test, and
delayed post-test. Mean, standard deviation, and analysis of covariance were used as statistic
tools. Findings revealed that students showed higher academic achievement scores with the
think-pair-share and brainstorming strategies than the conventional method. Nevertheless, no
significant difference was found between the students taught biology with brainstorming and
think-pair-share strategies. The implication is that students will report higher academic
achievement when student-centre methods are employed in teaching biology in secondary
concern of science teachers, educational assessors and evaluator. It is necessary to experiment
more student-centre methods of teaching. This study, therefore, ascertain the effects of
brainstorming and think-pair-share teaching strategies when compared with the usual
conventional teaching method. Two research questions were answered and two corresponding
hypotheses were tested. The quasi-experimental research design was employed. One hundred
and thirty-nine senior secondary school students were sampled. The biology achievement test
(BAT) with multiple choice questions was used as the instrument for data collection. The BAT
was subjected to face and content validity, while Kuder-Richardson method was used for the
reliability, which yielded a coefficient of 0.71. data were collected as pre-test, post-test, and
delayed post-test. Mean, standard deviation, and analysis of covariance were used as statistic
tools. Findings revealed that students showed higher academic achievement scores with the
think-pair-share and brainstorming strategies than the conventional method. Nevertheless, no
significant difference was found between the students taught biology with brainstorming and
think-pair-share strategies. The implication is that students will report higher academic
achievement when student-centre methods are employed in teaching biology in secondary
Ahmed, N., & Abimbola, A., (2011). The effect of think-pair-share and sequeced questions
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Ainley, J., & Fleming, N. (2004). Five years on literacy advanced in primary years. A report
from the literacy advanced research project to the Catholic Education Commission of
Victoria. East Melbourne Catholic Education Commission of Victoria.
Ajiboye, J. O., & Ajitoni, S. O. (2008). Effect of full and quasi participating learning strategies
on Nigerian Senior Secondary Students’ environmental knowledge: Implication for
classroom practice. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 3,
Amaefuna, I. A. (2013). Effect of constructivist- based instructional model on students’
achievement in Biology and critical thinking skills. (Unpublished M.Ed Thesis)
Department of Science Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.
Alexandria, L., & Andrew, P. K. (2015). An Explanatory Study on using the Think-Pair-Share
Cooperative Learning Strategy. Journal of Mathematical Science, 2, 22-28.
Aninweze, C. A., (2014). Effect of two instructional delivery approach in secondary school
student achievement and retention in biology. Unpublished Med. Thesis, Department
of Science Education, Faculty of Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Attah, F. O. (2014). Effects of two teaching methods on secondary school students Achievement
in writing and balancing chemical equation in Nsukka Education Zone of Enugu State.
Unpublished Med. Thesis, Department of Science Education, University of Nigeria,
Author, A., & Omosewo. E. O. (2006). History of science for degree students, Oyinwola
printing works, Ilorin.
Bamiro, A. O. (2015). Effects of guided discovery and think-pair-share strategies on secondary
school students’ achievement in Chemistry. Sage Open, 5(1), 1-7.
Bichi, S. S. (2002). Effects of problem-solving strategy and enriched curriculum on secondary
school students’ achievement in Evaluation concepts. Journal of Department of
Education, A.B.U. Zaria, Nigeria, 3(1), 132-138.
Chidebe, B. N. (2013). Effect of analytical skill on the achievement of Chemistry students.
(Unpublished Master Degree Thesis). University.
Dehghan (2013). The effect of using brainstorming method on the achievement of students in
Grade Five in Tertiary Elementary schools.
Federal Ministry of Education (2009) senior secondary school curriculum biology, corrected
Johnson, G. B. (2005). Biology, Visualizing Life. New York: Holt, Rinehort and Winston.
Kalra, R. M. (2008) Science education for teacher trainees and in-Service teachers. Learning
to learn modern science. New Delhi: PHI Learning Private Limited.
Ogunleye, O. A. (2006). Towards the optimal utilization and management of resources for the
effective teaching and learning of Physics in schools. Proceedings of Annual
Conference of the Science teacher Association of Nigeria. University of Lagos 41,
Ogunyebi, T. H., (2018). Enhancing science performance through Think-Pair-Share strategies
among college of education students in integrated science in Ekiti State, Nigeria.
International Journal of Education and Evaluation.
Okeke, I. S. (2016). Effect of problem-solving instructional Technique on interest and
achievement in Biology of Secondary School students in Awka Education zone.
Unpublished Msc(ed) thesis, submitted to faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikwe
University, Awka.
Okoro, A. U. (2011). Effect of interaction patterns on achievement and interest in Biology
among secondary school students in Enugu state Nigeria, unpublished M.ed.
Thesis department of science education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Olehi, L. C. (2006), Practical Science in early childhood Education in Nigeria,
Alvana Journal of Science, 2(1) 21-25.
Osuafor, A. M., Nwanze, A. C., Pius, P. O., & Emerhioma, F. (2018) improving students’
achievement in chemistry through cooperative learning and individualized instruction.
Journal of Education of Education, society and behavioral science 26(2), 1-11.
Osuafor, A. M., & Ogbaga, O. A. (2016) effect of Nominal Group technique of Brainstorming
on the achievement of secondary school Biology students in Anambra State, Nigeria.
International Journal of Social Science 1(2), 76-84.
Suzanne, H. (2010). The four-phase model of interest development. Educational psychologist,
41(2), 22-37.
Ungar, S. J. (2010) Seven major misperceptions about the beral Arts. The Chronicle of Higher
Usman, A. H., (2015). Using Think-Pair-Share Strategy to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability
at Stain Ternate. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(10), 37-45.
Walid, M. S. (2013). The effect of using the strategies of Brainstorming and computer education
in Academic achievement and development creative thinking skills of sixth
Grade Students in Jordan and their attitudes towards learning mathematics.
European Scientific Journal, 9(13), 220-238.
strategies on the primary student’s achievement and retention and sciences Journal of
college of Basic Education, 22(94), 403-422.
Ainley, J., & Fleming, N. (2004). Five years on literacy advanced in primary years. A report
from the literacy advanced research project to the Catholic Education Commission of
Victoria. East Melbourne Catholic Education Commission of Victoria.
Ajiboye, J. O., & Ajitoni, S. O. (2008). Effect of full and quasi participating learning strategies
on Nigerian Senior Secondary Students’ environmental knowledge: Implication for
classroom practice. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 3,
Amaefuna, I. A. (2013). Effect of constructivist- based instructional model on students’
achievement in Biology and critical thinking skills. (Unpublished M.Ed Thesis)
Department of Science Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.
Alexandria, L., & Andrew, P. K. (2015). An Explanatory Study on using the Think-Pair-Share
Cooperative Learning Strategy. Journal of Mathematical Science, 2, 22-28.
Aninweze, C. A., (2014). Effect of two instructional delivery approach in secondary school
student achievement and retention in biology. Unpublished Med. Thesis, Department
of Science Education, Faculty of Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Attah, F. O. (2014). Effects of two teaching methods on secondary school students Achievement
in writing and balancing chemical equation in Nsukka Education Zone of Enugu State.
Unpublished Med. Thesis, Department of Science Education, University of Nigeria,
Author, A., & Omosewo. E. O. (2006). History of science for degree students, Oyinwola
printing works, Ilorin.
Bamiro, A. O. (2015). Effects of guided discovery and think-pair-share strategies on secondary
school students’ achievement in Chemistry. Sage Open, 5(1), 1-7.
Bichi, S. S. (2002). Effects of problem-solving strategy and enriched curriculum on secondary
school students’ achievement in Evaluation concepts. Journal of Department of
Education, A.B.U. Zaria, Nigeria, 3(1), 132-138.
Chidebe, B. N. (2013). Effect of analytical skill on the achievement of Chemistry students.
(Unpublished Master Degree Thesis). University.
Dehghan (2013). The effect of using brainstorming method on the achievement of students in
Grade Five in Tertiary Elementary schools.
Federal Ministry of Education (2009) senior secondary school curriculum biology, corrected
Johnson, G. B. (2005). Biology, Visualizing Life. New York: Holt, Rinehort and Winston.
Kalra, R. M. (2008) Science education for teacher trainees and in-Service teachers. Learning
to learn modern science. New Delhi: PHI Learning Private Limited.
Ogunleye, O. A. (2006). Towards the optimal utilization and management of resources for the
effective teaching and learning of Physics in schools. Proceedings of Annual
Conference of the Science teacher Association of Nigeria. University of Lagos 41,
Ogunyebi, T. H., (2018). Enhancing science performance through Think-Pair-Share strategies
among college of education students in integrated science in Ekiti State, Nigeria.
International Journal of Education and Evaluation.
Okeke, I. S. (2016). Effect of problem-solving instructional Technique on interest and
achievement in Biology of Secondary School students in Awka Education zone.
Unpublished Msc(ed) thesis, submitted to faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikwe
University, Awka.
Okoro, A. U. (2011). Effect of interaction patterns on achievement and interest in Biology
among secondary school students in Enugu state Nigeria, unpublished M.ed.
Thesis department of science education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Olehi, L. C. (2006), Practical Science in early childhood Education in Nigeria,
Alvana Journal of Science, 2(1) 21-25.
Osuafor, A. M., Nwanze, A. C., Pius, P. O., & Emerhioma, F. (2018) improving students’
achievement in chemistry through cooperative learning and individualized instruction.
Journal of Education of Education, society and behavioral science 26(2), 1-11.
Osuafor, A. M., & Ogbaga, O. A. (2016) effect of Nominal Group technique of Brainstorming
on the achievement of secondary school Biology students in Anambra State, Nigeria.
International Journal of Social Science 1(2), 76-84.
Suzanne, H. (2010). The four-phase model of interest development. Educational psychologist,
41(2), 22-37.
Ungar, S. J. (2010) Seven major misperceptions about the beral Arts. The Chronicle of Higher
Usman, A. H., (2015). Using Think-Pair-Share Strategy to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability
at Stain Ternate. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(10), 37-45.
Walid, M. S. (2013). The effect of using the strategies of Brainstorming and computer education
in Academic achievement and development creative thinking skills of sixth
Grade Students in Jordan and their attitudes towards learning mathematics.
European Scientific Journal, 9(13), 220-238.