Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 7 (2022)
Okeke, Virginia Nkechi Department of Vocational Education, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University
Okolocha, Comfort C Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
This study focused on the development of leadership skills through internship as perceived by
business education students in universities in Anambra State. One research question guided the
study while one null hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted
descriptive survey research design. The population of the study consisted of 619 business
education students in the three universities offering the programme. The entire population was
used for the study. A structured questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. The
reliability of the instrument was established using Cronbach’s alpha and it yielded an overall
coefficient of 0.81. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyse data to answer the
research question and determine the cohesiveness or otherwise of respondents’ mean rating. ttest was used to test the null hypothesis. The findings of the study revealed that the students
perceive internship as a model for the development of leadership skills. However, the result
shows that male and female business education students differ significantly in their mean ratings
regarding how they perceive the development of leadership skills in internship. Based on the
finding, it was concluded that business education students perceive internship as a model that
will increase leadership skill development. Consequently, it was recommended among others
that there is need for a structured leadership skill acquisition programme for business education
business education students in universities in Anambra State. One research question guided the
study while one null hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted
descriptive survey research design. The population of the study consisted of 619 business
education students in the three universities offering the programme. The entire population was
used for the study. A structured questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. The
reliability of the instrument was established using Cronbach’s alpha and it yielded an overall
coefficient of 0.81. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyse data to answer the
research question and determine the cohesiveness or otherwise of respondents’ mean rating. ttest was used to test the null hypothesis. The findings of the study revealed that the students
perceive internship as a model for the development of leadership skills. However, the result
shows that male and female business education students differ significantly in their mean ratings
regarding how they perceive the development of leadership skills in internship. Based on the
finding, it was concluded that business education students perceive internship as a model that
will increase leadership skill development. Consequently, it was recommended among others
that there is need for a structured leadership skill acquisition programme for business education
Albalawi, M. (2019). Does gender difference have an effect in the academic achievements of
undergraduate students’ and later as interns? A single medical college experience,
Taibah University, KSA. Allied Journal of Medical Research, 3(1), 20-25.
Almalki, H.M. Rabelo, L.,Davis, C., Usmani, H. & Hollister,D. (2016). Analyzing the existing
undergraduate engineering leadership skills, proceedings of the 20th world multi
conference on systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2016).
Amesi, J.& Allison, M.(2022). Assessment of digital skills acquired by university business
education students for employability in Rivers State,Nigerian Journal of Business
Education (NIGJBED) 9 (2), 53-63.
Amesi,J.,Amaewhule, W.A. & Umah, A.A. (2022). Digital skills required by business education
lecturers for teaching accounting education courses in tertiary institutions in rivers
state. Nigerian Journal of Business Education (NIGJBED) 9(2),38-52.
Anyaeneh,V.K. and Nzegwu,R.C.(2015). The role of business education in realization of
sustainable development in Nigeria beyond 2020, Knowledge Review 33(3).
Auru,H.O. & Wakili, L.M.(2020).Effect of students’ industrial work experience scheme on
students’ readiness for world of work,International Journal of Vocational and
Technical Education, 12(1), 1-7.
Bender, D.(2020) Education and career skills acquired during a design internship. International
Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 32( 3), 358-366.
Blackwell & Richard, C. (2017). Assessing perceived student leadership skill development in an
academic leadership development program. Journal of Leadership Education, 6(1),
Bolanle, A.O. (2019). Principals’ leadership skills and school effectiveness: The case of South
Western Nigeria. Journal of education, 3(5), 20-28.
Bua, F. T. and Shaayongo, B. T. (2019)Internship and students’ acquisition of functional skills
in Benue State University, Makurdi, Journal of Educational Management (BSUJEM),
Dahar, M. A., Faize, F. A., Niwaz, A., Hussain, M. A., & Zaman, A. (2016). Relationship
between the leadership styles and academic achievement at the secondary stage in
Punjab. International Journal of Academic Research, 2,459-462.
Dambo, B. I. & Wokocha, K. D. (2021) Assessing the participation of multinational corporations
in development of entrepreneurship education in university business education
programmes in Rivers state, Nigerian Journal of Business Education, 8(2), 199-210.
Emeasoba, N. C.,Mmuo, A. N. & Ezeani, A. N. (2020). Organization and leadership skills
required of business education students for job performance in universities in SouthEast, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Business Education (NIGJBED) 7(2), 111-122.
Haddad-Adaimi, M., Zeid- Daou, J.A. & Ducq, Y.(2022).Internship Assessment and Evaluation
in Higher Education,International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education
11(1):17-33. DOI:10.5121/ijite.2022.11102
Isibor,E, Kanmodi,K. Adebayo,O., Olaopa,O. Igbokwe , M., Adufe, I., Oduyemi, I.,
Adeniyi,M.A.,Oiwoh,S.O.,Omololu,A., Egbuchulem, I.K., Kpuduwei, S.P.K.,
Oluwafemi Efuntoye, O., Egwu,O., Ogunsuji,O., Grillo,E.O.and Rereloluwa,B.
(2020). Exploring issues and challenges of leadership among early career doctors in
Nigeria using a mixed-method approach: Charting study. European Journal of
Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education. 10, 441–454.
Isibor, A. O.& Okara, J. O.(2020). Assessment of effectiveness of SIWES undertaken by
Technical College Students in Delta State. Vocational and Technical Education
Journal (VOTEJ) 2(1), 2734-2697.
Iwuoha, C .U. ,Baba, E. I. & Ebenezar-Nwokeji, C.C. (2021). Entrepreneurial skill acquisition
required by business education graduates for employment generation in Imo state.
Journal of Business Education (NIGJBED), 8 (2), 254-262.
Neva, H. A., Hala, G.and Gregory, P. (2014). Gender differences of perceived leadership skills
among saudi students. Advancing Women in Leadership 34, 11-18,
Obi, O. C.(2021). Generic skill acquisition and the realization of the goals of business education
in nigerian universities: implications for curriculum innovation.Nigerian Journal of
Business Education (NIGJBED), 8 (2), 222-230.
Ojokuku, B. Y., Emeahara, E. N., Aboyade, M. A. & Chris-Israel, H. O. (2015). Influence of
students' industrial work experience scheme on professional development of library
and information science students in South-West, Nigeria. Library Philosophy and
Practice (e-journal).1330.
Oke, E.B. (2019). Managing leadership skills for teacher effectiveness in theimplementation of
early childhood education in federal capitalterritory, Abuja, Nigeria, International
Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), 10 (2), 4058-4067.
Radu, C.,Deaconu,Aand Frăsineanu,C. (2017). Leadership and Gender Differences. Are Men
and Women Leading in the Same Way? Retrieved on 18/9/2012 from
Shaibu, O. G., Ameh, O. & Kaduru, J. M.(2020), Business education in Nigeria: A tool for
alleviating social vices. Nigerian Journal of Business Education, 7(2) ,538-546.
Sucharitha,S.T., Suganya, E. Arumugam, B.and Shirley,P.(2018).Medical leadership: interns’
perception on leadership skills: a qualitative study from Chennai,International Journal
of Community Medicine and Public Health, 5(11), 4927-4931.
Thompson, M.N., Perez, J. & Fetter,A.K.(2021). Internship experiences among college students
attending an HBC: A Longitudinal grounded theory exploration. Journal of Career
Assessment 29(3),1-19. DOI:10.1177/1069072721992758
World Health Organization. Archived from the original on 30 January 2017. Retrieved 26
November 2015..
undergraduate students’ and later as interns? A single medical college experience,
Taibah University, KSA. Allied Journal of Medical Research, 3(1), 20-25.
Almalki, H.M. Rabelo, L.,Davis, C., Usmani, H. & Hollister,D. (2016). Analyzing the existing
undergraduate engineering leadership skills, proceedings of the 20th world multi
conference on systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2016).
Amesi, J.& Allison, M.(2022). Assessment of digital skills acquired by university business
education students for employability in Rivers State,Nigerian Journal of Business
Education (NIGJBED) 9 (2), 53-63.
Amesi,J.,Amaewhule, W.A. & Umah, A.A. (2022). Digital skills required by business education
lecturers for teaching accounting education courses in tertiary institutions in rivers
state. Nigerian Journal of Business Education (NIGJBED) 9(2),38-52.
Anyaeneh,V.K. and Nzegwu,R.C.(2015). The role of business education in realization of
sustainable development in Nigeria beyond 2020, Knowledge Review 33(3).
Auru,H.O. & Wakili, L.M.(2020).Effect of students’ industrial work experience scheme on
students’ readiness for world of work,International Journal of Vocational and
Technical Education, 12(1), 1-7.
Bender, D.(2020) Education and career skills acquired during a design internship. International
Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 32( 3), 358-366.
Blackwell & Richard, C. (2017). Assessing perceived student leadership skill development in an
academic leadership development program. Journal of Leadership Education, 6(1),
Bolanle, A.O. (2019). Principals’ leadership skills and school effectiveness: The case of South
Western Nigeria. Journal of education, 3(5), 20-28.
Bua, F. T. and Shaayongo, B. T. (2019)Internship and students’ acquisition of functional skills
in Benue State University, Makurdi, Journal of Educational Management (BSUJEM),
Dahar, M. A., Faize, F. A., Niwaz, A., Hussain, M. A., & Zaman, A. (2016). Relationship
between the leadership styles and academic achievement at the secondary stage in
Punjab. International Journal of Academic Research, 2,459-462.
Dambo, B. I. & Wokocha, K. D. (2021) Assessing the participation of multinational corporations
in development of entrepreneurship education in university business education
programmes in Rivers state, Nigerian Journal of Business Education, 8(2), 199-210.
Emeasoba, N. C.,Mmuo, A. N. & Ezeani, A. N. (2020). Organization and leadership skills
required of business education students for job performance in universities in SouthEast, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Business Education (NIGJBED) 7(2), 111-122.
Haddad-Adaimi, M., Zeid- Daou, J.A. & Ducq, Y.(2022).Internship Assessment and Evaluation
in Higher Education,International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education
11(1):17-33. DOI:10.5121/ijite.2022.11102
Isibor,E, Kanmodi,K. Adebayo,O., Olaopa,O. Igbokwe , M., Adufe, I., Oduyemi, I.,
Adeniyi,M.A.,Oiwoh,S.O.,Omololu,A., Egbuchulem, I.K., Kpuduwei, S.P.K.,
Oluwafemi Efuntoye, O., Egwu,O., Ogunsuji,O., Grillo,E.O.and Rereloluwa,B.
(2020). Exploring issues and challenges of leadership among early career doctors in
Nigeria using a mixed-method approach: Charting study. European Journal of
Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education. 10, 441–454.
Isibor, A. O.& Okara, J. O.(2020). Assessment of effectiveness of SIWES undertaken by
Technical College Students in Delta State. Vocational and Technical Education
Journal (VOTEJ) 2(1), 2734-2697.
Iwuoha, C .U. ,Baba, E. I. & Ebenezar-Nwokeji, C.C. (2021). Entrepreneurial skill acquisition
required by business education graduates for employment generation in Imo state.
Journal of Business Education (NIGJBED), 8 (2), 254-262.
Neva, H. A., Hala, G.and Gregory, P. (2014). Gender differences of perceived leadership skills
among saudi students. Advancing Women in Leadership 34, 11-18,
Obi, O. C.(2021). Generic skill acquisition and the realization of the goals of business education
in nigerian universities: implications for curriculum innovation.Nigerian Journal of
Business Education (NIGJBED), 8 (2), 222-230.
Ojokuku, B. Y., Emeahara, E. N., Aboyade, M. A. & Chris-Israel, H. O. (2015). Influence of
students' industrial work experience scheme on professional development of library
and information science students in South-West, Nigeria. Library Philosophy and
Practice (e-journal).1330.
Oke, E.B. (2019). Managing leadership skills for teacher effectiveness in theimplementation of
early childhood education in federal capitalterritory, Abuja, Nigeria, International
Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), 10 (2), 4058-4067.
Radu, C.,Deaconu,Aand Frăsineanu,C. (2017). Leadership and Gender Differences. Are Men
and Women Leading in the Same Way? Retrieved on 18/9/2012 from
Shaibu, O. G., Ameh, O. & Kaduru, J. M.(2020), Business education in Nigeria: A tool for
alleviating social vices. Nigerian Journal of Business Education, 7(2) ,538-546.
Sucharitha,S.T., Suganya, E. Arumugam, B.and Shirley,P.(2018).Medical leadership: interns’
perception on leadership skills: a qualitative study from Chennai,International Journal
of Community Medicine and Public Health, 5(11), 4927-4931.
Thompson, M.N., Perez, J. & Fetter,A.K.(2021). Internship experiences among college students
attending an HBC: A Longitudinal grounded theory exploration. Journal of Career
Assessment 29(3),1-19. DOI:10.1177/1069072721992758
World Health Organization. Archived from the original on 30 January 2017. Retrieved 26
November 2015..