Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 7 (2022)
Ile, Chika M Department ofTechnology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
Uwakwe, Ngozi H
Department ofTechnology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
The study determined the interactive learning strategies considered effective by business studies
teachers for developing entrepreneurial skills among students in secondary schools in Anambra
State. One research question was raised and two hull hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of
significance. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The entire population of 192
business studies teachers in the existing 143 secondary schools in Awka, Nnewi and Onitsha
Education zones of Anambra State were used for the study without sampling. A structured
questionnaire that was validated by three experts was used for data collection. Cronbach’s alpha
method was used to establish the reliability of the instrument which yielded a coefficient of 0.86.
Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research question and determine the
homogeneity of responses, while t-test was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of
significance. The findings revealed that business studies teachers consider interactive learning
strategieshighly effective for developing entrepreneurial skills among students in secondary
schools in Anambra State. The findings also revealed that business studies teachers do not differ
significantly in their mean ratings on interactive learning strategies considered effective for
developing entrepreneurial skills among students in secondary schools in Anambra Stateas a
result of their year of teaching experience and educational qualification. It was recommended
among that interactive learning strategies should be frequently used by business studies teachers
in the classroom.
teachers for developing entrepreneurial skills among students in secondary schools in Anambra
State. One research question was raised and two hull hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of
significance. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The entire population of 192
business studies teachers in the existing 143 secondary schools in Awka, Nnewi and Onitsha
Education zones of Anambra State were used for the study without sampling. A structured
questionnaire that was validated by three experts was used for data collection. Cronbach’s alpha
method was used to establish the reliability of the instrument which yielded a coefficient of 0.86.
Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research question and determine the
homogeneity of responses, while t-test was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of
significance. The findings revealed that business studies teachers consider interactive learning
strategieshighly effective for developing entrepreneurial skills among students in secondary
schools in Anambra State. The findings also revealed that business studies teachers do not differ
significantly in their mean ratings on interactive learning strategies considered effective for
developing entrepreneurial skills among students in secondary schools in Anambra Stateas a
result of their year of teaching experience and educational qualification. It was recommended
among that interactive learning strategies should be frequently used by business studies teachers
in the classroom.
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quality assurance in secondary schools in Kogi State. Unpublished masters’ thesis,
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, University Of Nigeria,
Agommuoh, P. C., & Ndirika, M. C. (2017). Strategies for promoting entrepreneurial skills in
science education students for poverty eradication. IOSR Journal of Research & Method
in Education, 7(I), 45-49.
Atanasescu, C & Dumitru, F. (2013). Interactive teaching-learning methods in the
interdisciplinary approach of natural sciences from the mentor-teacher’s perspective.
Current Trends in Natural Sciences, 2(3), 11 – 20.
Costin, Y., O’Brien, M.P and Slattery, D.M. (2018). Using simulation to develop entrepreneurial
skills and mind-set: An exploratory case study. International Journal of Teaching and
Learning in Higher Education, 30(1), 136–145.
Ekoh, A. C., & Okwuanaso S. I. (2013). Assessment of pedagogical competencies applied by
Junior Secondary School business studies teachers in Enugu urban. Journal of
Vocational and Adult Education, 8(1), 123-134.
Eromasova, A. A. (2014). A fragment of the research activity of students (based on the materials
of study of the image of hero). Proceedings of the Institute of Continuous Professional
Education, 3(3), 124-129.
Ezenwafor, J. I., &Onokpaunu, M. O.(2017). Perception of business educators on the relevance
of integrating globalized workplace skills in the business education curriculum in
tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Education & Science Journal of Policy Review and
Curriculum Development, 7(1),1–10.
Ezenwafor, J. I., & Onokpaunu, M. O. (2017). Postgraduate business education students’ rating
of the teaching of soft skills in tertiary institutions for SMES operation in Nigeria. North
Asian International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary, 3(11), 19 - 31.
Federal Republic of Nigeria (2013). National policy on education. Lagos: Federal Government
Gabriela-Paula P. (2013). Teacher’s opinion on the use of interactive methods/techniques in
lessons. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 76, 649 – 653
Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative (2013), Development of 21st-Century Skills for
Innovation and Enterprise: Exploring the Role of Informal Learning Environments in
the Development of Skills and Aptitudes for the Digital Creative Media Industries.
Nairobi: University of Nairobi, School of Computing and Informatics, Kenya
Gundry, L. K., Ofstein, L. F., & Kickul, J. R. (2014). Seeing around corners: how creativity
skills in entrepreneurship education influence innovation in business. International
Journal. Management Education.12, 529–538.
Esmi, K., Marzoughi, R., &Torkzadeh, J. (2015). Teaching learning methods of an
entrepreneurship curriculum.Journal of Advances in Medical Education and
Professionalism, 3(4), 172–177.
Ibelegbu, N. A. (2013). Information and communication skills needed by business studies
teachers in junior secondary schools in Adamawa State. Unpublished masters’ thesis,
Department of Vocational Teacher Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Khanin, S. V. (2013). Using the case method as a method of interactive training in teaching the
course, History of the internal affairs authorities. Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod
Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 24, 177-180.
Oyelekan, O. S., Igbokwe, E. F.,&Olorundare, A. S. (2017). Science teachers’ utilisation of
innovative strategies for teaching senior school science in Ilorin, Nigeria.Malaysian
Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 5(2), 49 – 65.
Senthamarai, S. (2018). Interactive teaching strategies. Journal of Applied and Advanced
Research, 3(1), 36 38.
United Nations (2016). Entrepreneurship for sustainable development: Resolution adopted by
the general assembly. New York: UN Publications.
quality assurance in secondary schools in Kogi State. Unpublished masters’ thesis,
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, University Of Nigeria,
Agommuoh, P. C., & Ndirika, M. C. (2017). Strategies for promoting entrepreneurial skills in
science education students for poverty eradication. IOSR Journal of Research & Method
in Education, 7(I), 45-49.
Atanasescu, C & Dumitru, F. (2013). Interactive teaching-learning methods in the
interdisciplinary approach of natural sciences from the mentor-teacher’s perspective.
Current Trends in Natural Sciences, 2(3), 11 – 20.
Costin, Y., O’Brien, M.P and Slattery, D.M. (2018). Using simulation to develop entrepreneurial
skills and mind-set: An exploratory case study. International Journal of Teaching and
Learning in Higher Education, 30(1), 136–145.
Ekoh, A. C., & Okwuanaso S. I. (2013). Assessment of pedagogical competencies applied by
Junior Secondary School business studies teachers in Enugu urban. Journal of
Vocational and Adult Education, 8(1), 123-134.
Eromasova, A. A. (2014). A fragment of the research activity of students (based on the materials
of study of the image of hero). Proceedings of the Institute of Continuous Professional
Education, 3(3), 124-129.
Ezenwafor, J. I., &Onokpaunu, M. O.(2017). Perception of business educators on the relevance
of integrating globalized workplace skills in the business education curriculum in
tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Education & Science Journal of Policy Review and
Curriculum Development, 7(1),1–10.
Ezenwafor, J. I., & Onokpaunu, M. O. (2017). Postgraduate business education students’ rating
of the teaching of soft skills in tertiary institutions for SMES operation in Nigeria. North
Asian International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary, 3(11), 19 - 31.
Federal Republic of Nigeria (2013). National policy on education. Lagos: Federal Government
Gabriela-Paula P. (2013). Teacher’s opinion on the use of interactive methods/techniques in
lessons. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 76, 649 – 653
Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative (2013), Development of 21st-Century Skills for
Innovation and Enterprise: Exploring the Role of Informal Learning Environments in
the Development of Skills and Aptitudes for the Digital Creative Media Industries.
Nairobi: University of Nairobi, School of Computing and Informatics, Kenya
Gundry, L. K., Ofstein, L. F., & Kickul, J. R. (2014). Seeing around corners: how creativity
skills in entrepreneurship education influence innovation in business. International
Journal. Management Education.12, 529–538.
Esmi, K., Marzoughi, R., &Torkzadeh, J. (2015). Teaching learning methods of an
entrepreneurship curriculum.Journal of Advances in Medical Education and
Professionalism, 3(4), 172–177.
Ibelegbu, N. A. (2013). Information and communication skills needed by business studies
teachers in junior secondary schools in Adamawa State. Unpublished masters’ thesis,
Department of Vocational Teacher Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Khanin, S. V. (2013). Using the case method as a method of interactive training in teaching the
course, History of the internal affairs authorities. Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod
Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 24, 177-180.
Oyelekan, O. S., Igbokwe, E. F.,&Olorundare, A. S. (2017). Science teachers’ utilisation of
innovative strategies for teaching senior school science in Ilorin, Nigeria.Malaysian
Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 5(2), 49 – 65.
Senthamarai, S. (2018). Interactive teaching strategies. Journal of Applied and Advanced
Research, 3(1), 36 38.
United Nations (2016). Entrepreneurship for sustainable development: Resolution adopted by
the general assembly. New York: UN Publications.