NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education Volume:9(2024)/ISSN: 2449-1764 Faculty of Education Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka
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Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education

Volume: 8 (2023)


Okorafor, Anthony Osinachi Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Okafor, Solomon Nnaemeka

Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Businesses are expected to provide value not only to the corporate shareholders but also to the non- corporate shareholders and the society at large. These values are regarded as corporate social
responsibilities. The study determined the extent of implementation of corporate social
responsibilities by selected business organizations in Anambra State. Two research questions andtwonull hypotheses guided the study. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. The populationfor
this study consisted of 158 managers and 3450 employees of selected organizations (banks, pharmaceutical companies, and 311 telecommunication companies). A sample size of 471 was
selected. A structured questionnaire, validated by three experts was used for data collection. Cronbachalpha was used to measure the internal consistency which yielded an overall reliability coefficient of
0.79. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions and a t-test was usedfor testing the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that business
organizations implement environmental corporate social responsibilities at a lowextent andimplement philanthropic corporate social responsibilities at a high extent in Anambra State. Further, managers and employees do not significantly differ in their opinion on the extent business
organizations implement philanthropic and environmental corporate social responsibilities inAnambra State. It was recommended that Business Organizations in Anambra State should intensifyefforts to incorporate more vibrant forms of environmental corporate social responsibilities suchas
planting trees in strategic places, using alternative sources of fuel that are less pollutant, andpromoting the use of recycled materials in the state.
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