Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 8 (2023)
Akudolu, Chikerenma Adanma Department of Science Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
Okolocha, Comfort Chimezie Department of Science Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
This study determined the effect of gender on senior secondary school students' creativity in dataprocessing in Anambra State, Nigeria. Two research questions guided the study and two null
hypotheses were tested. Quasi-experimental research design specifically, pre-test post-test non- equivalent control group design was adopted for the study. Population was 3,182 senior secondarytwo (SS2) Data Processing students in 2022/2023 academic session in Anambra State. Amulti-stagerandom sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 60 intact class SS2 students for thestudy. Rating Scale for Creativity Skills in Data Processing was used for data collection. The face andcontent validity of the instruments were established using three experts. The reliability of theinstrument was established through pilot testing method and data collected calculated usingCronbach’s alpha which yielded coefficient values of .91. Mean was used to answer the researchquestions while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level
of significance. Findings of the study revealed that there was no significant difference in the meancreativity score of male and female students taught data processing using brainstorming teachingstrategy. Furthermore, there was no significant interaction effect between the teaching methods andgender on students’ creativity in data processing. The researcher therefore, recommended that, gender
differences should not be introduced in brainstorming classrooms
hypotheses were tested. Quasi-experimental research design specifically, pre-test post-test non- equivalent control group design was adopted for the study. Population was 3,182 senior secondarytwo (SS2) Data Processing students in 2022/2023 academic session in Anambra State. Amulti-stagerandom sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 60 intact class SS2 students for thestudy. Rating Scale for Creativity Skills in Data Processing was used for data collection. The face andcontent validity of the instruments were established using three experts. The reliability of theinstrument was established through pilot testing method and data collected calculated usingCronbach’s alpha which yielded coefficient values of .91. Mean was used to answer the researchquestions while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level
of significance. Findings of the study revealed that there was no significant difference in the meancreativity score of male and female students taught data processing using brainstorming teachingstrategy. Furthermore, there was no significant interaction effect between the teaching methods andgender on students’ creativity in data processing. The researcher therefore, recommended that, gender
differences should not be introduced in brainstorming classrooms
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secondary school students’ academic achievement in social studies in Yola educational zone, Adamawa State, Nigeria. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies
(IJPSAT), 3(2), 108-115.
Hidayanti, W. I., Rochintaniawati, D. & Rika, R. A. (2018). The effect of brainstorming on students’ creative thinking skill in learning nutrition. J. Sci. Learn, 1(2), 44-48. Juliana, N., Hui, H., Clement, M., Solomon, E. & Elvis, O. (2021) The impact of creativity and innovationon entrepreneurship development: Evidence from Nigeria. Open Journal of Business andManagement, 9, 1743-1770. doi: 10.4236/ojbm.2021.94095
Kamonjo’ F. W. (2016). Influence of secondary school students’ gender, academic achievement andchemistry self-concept on scientific creativity in CHEMISTY education in Nairobi, Muranga, Kiambu and Kajiado counties. Published PhD Dissertation, Egerton University. Mona, S. A. (2019). Impact of brainstorming strategy in dealing with knowledge retention skill: Aninsight into special learners’ needs in Saudi Arabia. MIER Journal of Educational Studies
Trends and Practices, 9(1), 12–22.
Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) (2013) The New Senior SecondarySchool Curriculum Structure at a glance. NERDC press. Abuja-Nigeria. Obi, I. E. (2018). Assessment of the creativity potential of counsellors in secondary schools in AnambraState. International Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 4(2), 094-100. Olaniyi. O. N. (2016). Small and medium enterprises managers’ ratings of skills needed by business
education graduates for entrepreneurial success in Ondo and Ekiti States. A dissertation presentedto Department of Vocational Education, Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. Omoniyi, I. B., Gamede, B. T. & Olaniran, S. S. (2022). Amplifying entrepreneurship development intheknowledge economy: The role of entrepreneurship education. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 16(2), 432-449. Piaw, C. Y. (2013). Effects of gender and thinking style on students’ creative thinking ability.5th worldconference on educational sciences - WCES 2013 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 5135 – 5139. Steidtmann, L., Kleickmann, T. & Steffensky, M. (2022). Declining interest in science in lower secondaryschool classes: Quasi-experimental and longitudinal evidence on the role of teaching and teachingquality. Journal of Research and Science in Teaching, 60, 164–
Uleanya, C., Rugbeer, Y. & Duma, M.A.N. (2018). Localizing educational curriculumof tertiaryinstitutions: Approach to sustainable development. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 21(15), 12-29. Vejian, G., Kamarudin, N. & Kadir, S. A. (2016). School Creative Climate: Factors Influence FosteringCreativity School. International Journal of Education and Training (InjET), 2(1), 1- 5. Wagbara, S. O. (2020). Effect of brainstorming strategy on senior secondary school students’ academicachievement in Chemistry in Rivers State, Nigeria. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 4, 77-82. Wang, A. Y. (2013). Contexts of creative thinking: A comparison on creative performance of student
teachers in Taiwan and the United States. Journal of International and Cross -Cultural Studies, 2(1), 34-45. Xiaojuan, J. P., Weiping, H., Fengchun, C., Haihong, W., Jing, L., Mark, A. R. and Yinghe, C. (2017). Theinfluence of teaching methods on creative problem finding. Thinking Skills and Creativity,24, 86- 94. Yuin, C. C., Tung, P. L.H. & Sei, E. A. S. (2021). Study of the impact of locus of control and conformityon creativity: Gender dif erence among Malaysian undergraduates. Published B.Sc, project, University Tunku Abdul Rahman
secondary school students’ academic achievement in social studies in Yola educational zone, Adamawa State, Nigeria. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies
(IJPSAT), 3(2), 108-115.
Hidayanti, W. I., Rochintaniawati, D. & Rika, R. A. (2018). The effect of brainstorming on students’ creative thinking skill in learning nutrition. J. Sci. Learn, 1(2), 44-48. Juliana, N., Hui, H., Clement, M., Solomon, E. & Elvis, O. (2021) The impact of creativity and innovationon entrepreneurship development: Evidence from Nigeria. Open Journal of Business andManagement, 9, 1743-1770. doi: 10.4236/ojbm.2021.94095
Kamonjo’ F. W. (2016). Influence of secondary school students’ gender, academic achievement andchemistry self-concept on scientific creativity in CHEMISTY education in Nairobi, Muranga, Kiambu and Kajiado counties. Published PhD Dissertation, Egerton University. Mona, S. A. (2019). Impact of brainstorming strategy in dealing with knowledge retention skill: Aninsight into special learners’ needs in Saudi Arabia. MIER Journal of Educational Studies
Trends and Practices, 9(1), 12–22.
Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) (2013) The New Senior SecondarySchool Curriculum Structure at a glance. NERDC press. Abuja-Nigeria. Obi, I. E. (2018). Assessment of the creativity potential of counsellors in secondary schools in AnambraState. International Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 4(2), 094-100. Olaniyi. O. N. (2016). Small and medium enterprises managers’ ratings of skills needed by business
education graduates for entrepreneurial success in Ondo and Ekiti States. A dissertation presentedto Department of Vocational Education, Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. Omoniyi, I. B., Gamede, B. T. & Olaniran, S. S. (2022). Amplifying entrepreneurship development intheknowledge economy: The role of entrepreneurship education. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 16(2), 432-449. Piaw, C. Y. (2013). Effects of gender and thinking style on students’ creative thinking ability.5th worldconference on educational sciences - WCES 2013 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 5135 – 5139. Steidtmann, L., Kleickmann, T. & Steffensky, M. (2022). Declining interest in science in lower secondaryschool classes: Quasi-experimental and longitudinal evidence on the role of teaching and teachingquality. Journal of Research and Science in Teaching, 60, 164–
Uleanya, C., Rugbeer, Y. & Duma, M.A.N. (2018). Localizing educational curriculumof tertiaryinstitutions: Approach to sustainable development. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 21(15), 12-29. Vejian, G., Kamarudin, N. & Kadir, S. A. (2016). School Creative Climate: Factors Influence FosteringCreativity School. International Journal of Education and Training (InjET), 2(1), 1- 5. Wagbara, S. O. (2020). Effect of brainstorming strategy on senior secondary school students’ academicachievement in Chemistry in Rivers State, Nigeria. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 4, 77-82. Wang, A. Y. (2013). Contexts of creative thinking: A comparison on creative performance of student
teachers in Taiwan and the United States. Journal of International and Cross -Cultural Studies, 2(1), 34-45. Xiaojuan, J. P., Weiping, H., Fengchun, C., Haihong, W., Jing, L., Mark, A. R. and Yinghe, C. (2017). Theinfluence of teaching methods on creative problem finding. Thinking Skills and Creativity,24, 86- 94. Yuin, C. C., Tung, P. L.H. & Sei, E. A. S. (2021). Study of the impact of locus of control and conformityon creativity: Gender dif erence among Malaysian undergraduates. Published B.Sc, project, University Tunku Abdul Rahman