Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 9(2024)
Okoli, C. I
Department of Technology and Vocational Education, , Nnamdi Azikiwe Unviersity Awka
Chukwu, Uzoamaka Juliet
Department of Technology and Vocational Education, , Nnamdi Azikiwe Unviersity Awka
This study ascertained extent of utilization of product marketing strategies for business success by owners of SMEs in Anambra State. This necessitated by the need to ensure that SMEs make their own products unique and distinct in the marketplace that will enhance them for future competitiveness. Two research questions guided the study and two null hypotheses were tested. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population comprised all 1,813 Registered SMEs owners practicing in Anambra State. The sample of 544 was used through a stratified random sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was a 20-item questionnaire. The instrument was validated by three experts. Cronbach Alpha was used to determine the reliability of the items instrument and obtained an overall coefficient value of 0.87. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions, while ANOVA was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that product branding strategies were greatly utilized, while the positioning marketing strategies were moderately utilized. Also, owners of SMEs differ significantly in their mean ratings on the extent they utilized product branding and positioning marketing strategies based on years of experience. The study concluded that product branding strategies are used more than the positioning marketing strategies by SMEs in a highly competitive market such as Anambra State. It was therefore recommended among others that, owners of SMEs in Anambra State should utilize product packaging and positioning strategies because it will enable them have great influence on consumer’s perception of product as an incentive to consumers to choose their product.
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sustainability and financial performance of small and medium enterprises
(SMEs) in Nigeria: A study of selected firms in Lagos State. International
Journal of Management Sciences and Humanities 2(2), 39–55.
American Marketing Association (AMA), (2013). Definition of Marketing. Retrieved from https://www.
Arif, F. A., Chemah, T. C., Mohamad, H. M. R. and Nursyafikah, O. (2020). SME product packaging: How to attract consumers? International Journal of Business Society, 4(7), 102-109.
Engel, J. F., Blackwell, A. and Miniard, W. P. (2013). Consumer behavior. Orlando, Fl: The Dryden Press.
Etuk, R. U., Etuk, G. R. and Baghebo, M. (2014). Small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) and Nigeria’s economic development. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(7), 656-662.
Ismaila, G., Tanko, B. and Halilu, A. (2017). Effect of product packaging on Nigerian consumers’ behaviour in Adamawa State. European Journal of Scientific Research, 27(6), 145-158.
Imiru, G. A. (2017). The effect of packaging attributes on consumer buying decision behavior in major commercial cities in Ethiopia. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 9(6), 43-54.
Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2012). Principles of marketing. 14th edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. doi: 10.1126/science.171.3976.1133.
Kumar, K. G. (2017). Use of information resources and services available in the library by the postgraduate students and research scholars of university of agricultural sciences, Dharwad. International Journal of Digital Library Services, 7(3), 1-12.
Mahmood, R. and Hanafi, N. (2013). Entrepreneurial orientation and business performance of women-owned small and medium enterprises in Malaysia: Competitive advantage as a mediator. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4(1), 82-90.
Nnadi, C. F., Akawnonu, N. G. and Okafor, O. P. (2018). An empirical analysis of quality control techniques and product quality in manufacturing firms in South East Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 7(3), 166-184.
Novixoxo, D. J., Jamal-Deen, A., Anning, L. and Darko, S. (2018). The effect of branding on the marketing performance of companies in the mobile phone industry (Case study of technology Ghana, Accra). International Journal of Developing and Emerging Economies, 6(2), 39-60.
Ogbuji, C. N., Anyanwu, A. V. and Onah, Julius O. (2014). An empirical study of the impact of branding on consumer choice for regulated bottled water in Southeast, Nigeria. International Journal of Business and Management, 6(6), 150-166.doi:10.5539/ijbm.v6n6p150
Prabhneet, S. and Padma, S. (2020). An empirical study to explore the brand positioning strategies in personal care products. Durgadevi Saraf Institute of Management Studies (DSIMS), 2(2), 64-77.
Shaher, M. and Muhammad, A. (2015). An empirical study on brand image and customers’ willingness to pay a price premium for packaged food brands. Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 5(1), 111-126.