Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 2 (2017)
Okeke, A. U Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State
Ihenacho, U. O Department of Business Education, School of Vocational and Technical Education. Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education Owerri, Imo State
The need to produce competentgraduates for effective performance in the global
workplace necessitated this study to determine the extent of utilization ofe-learning
resources in business education programme in southeast Nigerian universities. Two
research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a
descriptive survey design. The population of the study was 50 business education
lecturers from the universities offering business education programme in South-East
Nigeria. This population formed the sample. The instrument for data collection was a
17-item validated questionnaire developed by the researchers. The reliability of the
instrument was established using Cronbach Alpha with reliability coefficients of 0.86
and 0.79 for Clusters A and B respectively. Data collected were analyzed using mean
and standard deviation to answer the research questions while t-test statistic was used
to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The results revealed that elearning resources for instructional delivery and evaluation process in business
education programme in South-East Nigerian universities were utilized to a very low
extent very lowly. Also, ownership of institutions did not significantly affect the
opinion of business educators regarding the extent theyutilize e-learning resources for
instructional delivery and evaluation process in business education programme in
South-East, Nigerian universities. It was recommended among others that the
university administrators in collaboration with the government should provide
adequate e-learning facilities for lecturers inorder to facilitate their teaching and
evaluation process.
workplace necessitated this study to determine the extent of utilization ofe-learning
resources in business education programme in southeast Nigerian universities. Two
research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a
descriptive survey design. The population of the study was 50 business education
lecturers from the universities offering business education programme in South-East
Nigeria. This population formed the sample. The instrument for data collection was a
17-item validated questionnaire developed by the researchers. The reliability of the
instrument was established using Cronbach Alpha with reliability coefficients of 0.86
and 0.79 for Clusters A and B respectively. Data collected were analyzed using mean
and standard deviation to answer the research questions while t-test statistic was used
to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The results revealed that elearning resources for instructional delivery and evaluation process in business
education programme in South-East Nigerian universities were utilized to a very low
extent very lowly. Also, ownership of institutions did not significantly affect the
opinion of business educators regarding the extent theyutilize e-learning resources for
instructional delivery and evaluation process in business education programme in
South-East, Nigerian universities. It was recommended among others that the
university administrators in collaboration with the government should provide
adequate e-learning facilities for lecturers inorder to facilitate their teaching and
evaluation process.
Adesoji, F. (2012). Undergraduate students' perception of the effectiveness on ICT
use in improving teaching and learning in Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti,
Nigeria. Intentional Journal of Library and information Science, 4(7), 121 ā
Aduwa-Ogiegbaen, S & lyanrnu, E. (2005). Using ICT in secondary schools in
Nigeria: Problems and prospects. Journal of Educational Technology and
Society, 5(1), 104-1 12.
Allen, I. E. (2003). Entering the Main Stream, The quality and extent of online
education in the United States, Needsham, M.A Sloan Centre for online
Al-Ansari, H. (2006). The internet use by faculty members of Kuiat University.
Electronic Library, 21(5), 487-495.
Asogwa, C.I (201 1). The challenges of optimizing E-learning opportunities for
effective education service delivery in university of Nigeria Nsukka. In Nkad,
O, and Eze, U. (Eds). Optimizing E-learning Opportunities for Effective
Education Services Delivery; Publication of Institution of Education
University of Nigeria, Nuskka
Beyer, B.K. (2007). Practice strategies for the teaching of thinking. Boston: Allyn &
Eziugwu, G.C. (2007). Utilizing information, communication technology for quality
instruction in colleges of education in ICT in the service of education; Enugu:
Timex Publishers.
Federal Republic of Nigeria (2013). National policy on education (5th Ed), Lagos:
Gee, J.P. (2003). What video game have to teach us about learning and literacy. New
York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Genoni, P., Merrick, H. W. & Michele, A. (2006). The scholarly communities, eā
research Literacy and Academic Librarian. Electronic Library, 24(6), 737-746.
Inije, G., Utoware, J. & Kren-Mdi, P (2013) Utilization of e-learning technologies in
business education instructional delivery in colleges of education in Delta state of
Nigeria. International Journal of Education and Research, 1(10), 1-14.
Lee, Y. L & Nguyen, H (2005). So are you online yet? Distance and online education
today, managing modern organizations with Information Technology, 1035-
Ngurukwem, E. C. (2005). Task Ahead if integration of Information and
communication Technology in Business Teacher Education. Business
Education Book of Readings, 1(5), 96 - 108.
Nwagbo, C & Ugwuanyi, C (2011). Assessment of the level of lecturers' information
and communication technology (ICT) competence for the adoption of elearning in Nigerian Universities. Intentional Journal of Educational
Research, 11(1)39-47.
Nwaosa, I.P. (2013). Extent of utilization of available e-learning technologies by
business educators in tertiary institution in Edo and Delta states of Nigeria. An
unpublished M.Sc thesis, submitted to the Department of Vocational
Education, Faculty of Education Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra
Obi, C. A. (2005). Methodology in business education; Enugu: Oktex (Publishers)
Nig. Ltd
Osuala, E (2009). Business and computer education (1stEd), Enugu, Cheston Agency
Ugwuoke, E (2011). Competency needs of business education teachers for effective elearning instructional delivery in universities in South east Nigeria. In
Onyegebu, N and Eze, U (eds.) Optimizing e-learning opportunities for
effective education service delivery; Publication of Institute of Education,
University of Nigeria Nsukka.
Ukor, L., Agwazie, B & Ayemhenre, S (2014). Utilization of e-learning tools by
business educators in colleges of education in Delta State, Nigeria. Nigerian
Journal of Business Education, 1(3), 149-158.
use in improving teaching and learning in Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti,
Nigeria. Intentional Journal of Library and information Science, 4(7), 121 ā
Aduwa-Ogiegbaen, S & lyanrnu, E. (2005). Using ICT in secondary schools in
Nigeria: Problems and prospects. Journal of Educational Technology and
Society, 5(1), 104-1 12.
Allen, I. E. (2003). Entering the Main Stream, The quality and extent of online
education in the United States, Needsham, M.A Sloan Centre for online
Al-Ansari, H. (2006). The internet use by faculty members of Kuiat University.
Electronic Library, 21(5), 487-495.
Asogwa, C.I (201 1). The challenges of optimizing E-learning opportunities for
effective education service delivery in university of Nigeria Nsukka. In Nkad,
O, and Eze, U. (Eds). Optimizing E-learning Opportunities for Effective
Education Services Delivery; Publication of Institution of Education
University of Nigeria, Nuskka
Beyer, B.K. (2007). Practice strategies for the teaching of thinking. Boston: Allyn &
Eziugwu, G.C. (2007). Utilizing information, communication technology for quality
instruction in colleges of education in ICT in the service of education; Enugu:
Timex Publishers.
Federal Republic of Nigeria (2013). National policy on education (5th Ed), Lagos:
Gee, J.P. (2003). What video game have to teach us about learning and literacy. New
York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Genoni, P., Merrick, H. W. & Michele, A. (2006). The scholarly communities, eā
research Literacy and Academic Librarian. Electronic Library, 24(6), 737-746.
Inije, G., Utoware, J. & Kren-Mdi, P (2013) Utilization of e-learning technologies in
business education instructional delivery in colleges of education in Delta state of
Nigeria. International Journal of Education and Research, 1(10), 1-14.
Lee, Y. L & Nguyen, H (2005). So are you online yet? Distance and online education
today, managing modern organizations with Information Technology, 1035-
Ngurukwem, E. C. (2005). Task Ahead if integration of Information and
communication Technology in Business Teacher Education. Business
Education Book of Readings, 1(5), 96 - 108.
Nwagbo, C & Ugwuanyi, C (2011). Assessment of the level of lecturers' information
and communication technology (ICT) competence for the adoption of elearning in Nigerian Universities. Intentional Journal of Educational
Research, 11(1)39-47.
Nwaosa, I.P. (2013). Extent of utilization of available e-learning technologies by
business educators in tertiary institution in Edo and Delta states of Nigeria. An
unpublished M.Sc thesis, submitted to the Department of Vocational
Education, Faculty of Education Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra
Obi, C. A. (2005). Methodology in business education; Enugu: Oktex (Publishers)
Nig. Ltd
Osuala, E (2009). Business and computer education (1stEd), Enugu, Cheston Agency
Ugwuoke, E (2011). Competency needs of business education teachers for effective elearning instructional delivery in universities in South east Nigeria. In
Onyegebu, N and Eze, U (eds.) Optimizing e-learning opportunities for
effective education service delivery; Publication of Institute of Education,
University of Nigeria Nsukka.
Ukor, L., Agwazie, B & Ayemhenre, S (2014). Utilization of e-learning tools by
business educators in colleges of education in Delta State, Nigeria. Nigerian
Journal of Business Education, 1(3), 149-158.