Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 3 (2018)
Ajuluchukwu, Eunice Ngozi
Department of Vocational Education, University of Calabar
The study determined how commercial banks in Cross River State are engaging in
ethical marketing practices and community involvement practices all aspects of
corporate social responsibility practices. Two research questions guided the study and
two null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Survey research design
was adopted for the study. Population for the study comprised 578 community
representatives in Cross River State. A sample size of 216 was drawn using multi-stage
sampling technique. For effective investigation a 24 item structured, validated
questionnaire was used for collection of data from the respondents. The reliability of the
instrument was established using split half method and a reliability co-efficient of 0.82
was obtained. Data collected were analyzed using mean scores for the research
questions. The hypotheses were tested using One-way analysis of variance. The
findings of the study revealed among others that the commercial banks in Cross River
State poorly engage in corporate social responsibility practices. It was recommended
among others that commercial bank owners should organize in-house ethical training to
help their employees make appropriate ethical decisions to meet the ethical concerns of
their consumers and the host community.
ethical marketing practices and community involvement practices all aspects of
corporate social responsibility practices. Two research questions guided the study and
two null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Survey research design
was adopted for the study. Population for the study comprised 578 community
representatives in Cross River State. A sample size of 216 was drawn using multi-stage
sampling technique. For effective investigation a 24 item structured, validated
questionnaire was used for collection of data from the respondents. The reliability of the
instrument was established using split half method and a reliability co-efficient of 0.82
was obtained. Data collected were analyzed using mean scores for the research
questions. The hypotheses were tested using One-way analysis of variance. The
findings of the study revealed among others that the commercial banks in Cross River
State poorly engage in corporate social responsibility practices. It was recommended
among others that commercial bank owners should organize in-house ethical training to
help their employees make appropriate ethical decisions to meet the ethical concerns of
their consumers and the host community.
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firms. Unpublished Master Thesis, Department of Accountancy,.Nnamdi
Azikiwe University Awka.
Albinsson, P. A., Perera, B. Y., & Sautter, P. (2011).Integrating sustainability into the
business curriculum through e-learning.MERLOT Journal of Online Learning
and Teaching, 7(1), 117.Retrieved July 12, 2014, from
Badaiki, A. D. (1998). Deceptive and unfair trade.Nigerian Journal of Finance and
Investment Law.2 (3), 184.
Fontaine, M. (2013). Corporate social responsibility and sustainability: The new
bottom line. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4 (4), 112
Retrieved from
Gebler, D. (2012). Business ethics and social responsibility.Retrieved from
Githui, D. M. (2014). Ethical issues in advertising and marketing: An empirical analysis
of the hindrances to efficient marketing and product communication
management in Kenya. European Journal of Business and Innovation
Research, 1(4), 9 -19.
Hub Team.(2015). Cross River State. Retrieved from
Mirvis, P., DeJong, D., Googins, B., Quinn, L., & Velsor, V. E. (2010) Responsible
leadership emerging. Retrieved from
Murphy, P. E. (2014). Marketing ethics at the millennium: Review, reflections and
recommendations.Notre Dame Department of Marketing Mendoza College of
Business University of Notre Dame 46556
Nicole, F. (2015).What is corporate social responsibility? Retrieved from
Onwuegbuchi, C. (2009). Telecom operators as socially responsible
organizations.Communications week media Ltd. Nigeria communications
Schneider, T. E. (2010). Is environmental performance a determinant of bond pricing?
Evidence from the US pulp and paper and chemical industries. Contemporary
Accounting Research Journal, 20 (1), 1-25.
Sharmin, S., Khan, N. A., & Belal, A. R. (2014). Corporate community involvement
in Bangladesh: An empirical study. Corporate social responsibility and
environmental management, 21(1), 41-51. Retrieved from
Stites, J. P., & Michael, J. H. (2011). Organizational commitment in manufacturing
employees: Relationships with corporate social performance. Business &
Society, 50(1), 50-70.
Tammy Galloway (2018). What Are Financial Institutions? Retrieved from
Uadiale, O. M., & Fagbemi, T. O. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility and
Financial Performance in Developing Economies: The Nigerian
Experience.Retrieved from
University of Southern California. (2014). Business ethics and corporate social
responsibility tags: Accounting, business, careers, crocker, csr,
ethics.Retrieved from Guide
Yusuf, F. A. O. (2012). Corporate social responsibility in Nigeria.Retrieved from
firms. Unpublished Master Thesis, Department of Accountancy,.Nnamdi
Azikiwe University Awka.
Albinsson, P. A., Perera, B. Y., & Sautter, P. (2011).Integrating sustainability into the
business curriculum through e-learning.MERLOT Journal of Online Learning
and Teaching, 7(1), 117.Retrieved July 12, 2014, from
Badaiki, A. D. (1998). Deceptive and unfair trade.Nigerian Journal of Finance and
Investment Law.2 (3), 184.
Fontaine, M. (2013). Corporate social responsibility and sustainability: The new
bottom line. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4 (4), 112
Retrieved from
Gebler, D. (2012). Business ethics and social responsibility.Retrieved from
Githui, D. M. (2014). Ethical issues in advertising and marketing: An empirical analysis
of the hindrances to efficient marketing and product communication
management in Kenya. European Journal of Business and Innovation
Research, 1(4), 9 -19.
Hub Team.(2015). Cross River State. Retrieved from
Mirvis, P., DeJong, D., Googins, B., Quinn, L., & Velsor, V. E. (2010) Responsible
leadership emerging. Retrieved from
Murphy, P. E. (2014). Marketing ethics at the millennium: Review, reflections and
recommendations.Notre Dame Department of Marketing Mendoza College of
Business University of Notre Dame 46556
Nicole, F. (2015).What is corporate social responsibility? Retrieved from
Onwuegbuchi, C. (2009). Telecom operators as socially responsible
organizations.Communications week media Ltd. Nigeria communications
Schneider, T. E. (2010). Is environmental performance a determinant of bond pricing?
Evidence from the US pulp and paper and chemical industries. Contemporary
Accounting Research Journal, 20 (1), 1-25.
Sharmin, S., Khan, N. A., & Belal, A. R. (2014). Corporate community involvement
in Bangladesh: An empirical study. Corporate social responsibility and
environmental management, 21(1), 41-51. Retrieved from
Stites, J. P., & Michael, J. H. (2011). Organizational commitment in manufacturing
employees: Relationships with corporate social performance. Business &
Society, 50(1), 50-70.
Tammy Galloway (2018). What Are Financial Institutions? Retrieved from
Uadiale, O. M., & Fagbemi, T. O. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility and
Financial Performance in Developing Economies: The Nigerian
Experience.Retrieved from
University of Southern California. (2014). Business ethics and corporate social
responsibility tags: Accounting, business, careers, crocker, csr,
ethics.Retrieved from Guide
Yusuf, F. A. O. (2012). Corporate social responsibility in Nigeria.Retrieved from