Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 3 (2018)
Okoli, Constance. I Dept of Technology & Vocational Edu Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
Osi, David Ogbonna Dept of Technology & Vocational Edu Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
Graduate unemployment is a serious problem facing the Nigerian society for several
years. This became a topical issue in the national discourse on how to come out of the
problem. The quest to proffer solution to the problem of graduate unemployment gave
way for the introduction of entrepreneurship education in tertiary institutions in
Nigeria. Entrepreneurship education is an educational programme that creates
awareness of entrepreneurship as a career option to enhance the understanding of the
process involved in initiating and managing a new business enterprise. To achieve
this at the entrepreneurship development centres, infrastructural facilities for skill
acquisition at the centres should be adequate for effective entrepreneurial skills
acquisition among undergraduates. This study determined the adequacy of
infrastructural facilities for skill acquisition in entrepreneurship development centres
in tertiary institutions in Enugu State. The study was a descriptive survey carried out
with 39 management staff of entrepreneurship development centres and 98
entrepreneurship lecturers in tertiary institutions in Enugu State. One research
question guided the study and two null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of
significance. A validated structured questionnaire was used to collect data for the
study. The reliability of the instrument was established using Cronbach Alpha which
yielded the coefficient value of 0.73. Mean and standard deviation were used to
analyze data to answer the research questions, z-test and ANOVA to test the null
hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed among others that there are inadequate
infrastructural facilities for skill acquisition in entrepreneurship development centres
in tertiary institutions in Enugu State. It was recommended among others that the
management of tertiary institutions in Enugu State should source for fund beyond
government budgetary allocations through internal generated revenues and external
grants to ensure adequate provision of infrastructural facilities for skill acquisition in
Entrepreneurship Development Centres.
years. This became a topical issue in the national discourse on how to come out of the
problem. The quest to proffer solution to the problem of graduate unemployment gave
way for the introduction of entrepreneurship education in tertiary institutions in
Nigeria. Entrepreneurship education is an educational programme that creates
awareness of entrepreneurship as a career option to enhance the understanding of the
process involved in initiating and managing a new business enterprise. To achieve
this at the entrepreneurship development centres, infrastructural facilities for skill
acquisition at the centres should be adequate for effective entrepreneurial skills
acquisition among undergraduates. This study determined the adequacy of
infrastructural facilities for skill acquisition in entrepreneurship development centres
in tertiary institutions in Enugu State. The study was a descriptive survey carried out
with 39 management staff of entrepreneurship development centres and 98
entrepreneurship lecturers in tertiary institutions in Enugu State. One research
question guided the study and two null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of
significance. A validated structured questionnaire was used to collect data for the
study. The reliability of the instrument was established using Cronbach Alpha which
yielded the coefficient value of 0.73. Mean and standard deviation were used to
analyze data to answer the research questions, z-test and ANOVA to test the null
hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed among others that there are inadequate
infrastructural facilities for skill acquisition in entrepreneurship development centres
in tertiary institutions in Enugu State. It was recommended among others that the
management of tertiary institutions in Enugu State should source for fund beyond
government budgetary allocations through internal generated revenues and external
grants to ensure adequate provision of infrastructural facilities for skill acquisition in
Entrepreneurship Development Centres.
Adesina, S. (2009).Educational management. Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publishing
Abdularim, M. (2011). Situational analysis of resources for implementing business
studies curriculum of the universal basic education (UBE) programme in
Onelga Local Government of Rivers State, Nigeria. International Journal of
Educational Development, 13-54.
Anioke, B.O. (2011). Problems and prospects of business education in Nigria.In C.E.
Eze.Introduction to Vocational Education (New Edition). Enugu: Lady Star
Printing Services.
Agoha, C.G. (2015). The place of adequate skills and facilities for effective
implementation and achievement of ICT and entrepreneurship education
curriculum in business education in colleges of education, Kano
State.Association of Business Educators of Nigeria Book of Readings,3(1),
Akpan, C., & Etor, C. (2013).University lecturers’ perception of entrepreneurship
education as an employment strategy for graduate self-employment in southsouth Nigeria.International Journal of Asia Social Science,3(5), 1180-1195.
Akighgbe, O.J. (2014). A survey of technical and vocational skills need by out of
school youth in Edo north senatorial district. Nigeria Journal of Business
Desai, D. (2012). Education and infrastructures.Retrieved from
Enyekit, E.O. & Enyekit, K.E.O. (2015). Extent of availability of school plants and
facilities for effective administration of business education programmes in
tertiary institutions in Rivers State. Nigerian Journal of Business
Education,2(2), 118-128.
Enyekit, E.O., Onuekwa, F.A., & Silas-Dikibo, I.D. (2011).Extent of instructional
materials usage and academics performance in shorthand of Office
Technology and Management (OTM) students in tertiary institutions in Rivers
State.Journal of Pristine,2(1), 143-149.
Enyekit, E.O., Amaehule, S., Onyeche, C.N., & Enyekit, K.E.O. (2011). Vocational
guidance and career development needs of undergraduate business education
students in tertiary institutions in Rivers State.Journal of the Association of
Advancement of Knowledge,23(2), 123-129.
Ephraim, Y. & Stanly E. S. (1967).A system resources approach to organization
effectiveness.American Sociological Review, D01-10.2307/2092843.
Ezeani, N.S. (2012). Application of entrepreneurship education: A panacea for
effective secondary schools management in Nigeria. Singaprean Journal of
Business Economics and Management Studies,1(5), 7-45.
Federal Republic of Nigeria.(2004). National policy on education. Yaba Lagos:
National Educational Research Development Press.
Igboke, S.A., & Chinedu, O. (2015).Imperativeness of educational infrastructure in
the production of competent business teachers.Nigerian Journal of Business
Education,2(2), 151-158.
Igbuzor, D.O. (2016). The state of education in Nigeria. A keynote address delivered
at a round table conference organized by Civil Society Action Coalition on
Education for All. Retrieved from
Ikegwuani, V.U. (2015). Availability and sustainability of infrastructural facilities for
business studies in public and private secondary schools in Onitsha north and south LGA of Anambra State, Nigeria.Nigerian Journal of Business Education,2(2), 129-
Izuagba, A.C., & Enwereuzo, N.M.C. (2010).Entrepreneurial skills in English language
teacher education curriculum.International Journal of Education Research,11(3),
Jumbo, P.O.A., & Nwokocha, E.G. (2015).Availability and adequacy of infrastructural
facilities as panacea for the achievement of behavioural objective of business studies
in Rivers State.Nigerian Journal of Business Education,2(2), 139-150.
Okike, O.N. & Abraham-Ibe, I.G. (2015).Challenges of infrastructural facilities to office
technology and management education.Nigerian Journal f Business Education,2(3),
Onwukwe, V.O. & Alice, K. (2012).The challenges of modern instructional facilities to office
technology and management lecturers in Nigeria polytechnics.Association of Business
Educators of Nigeria Book of Reading,2(1), 196-203.
Onyesom, M., Egbule, N.C., & Okwuokenye, A.E. (2012). Business education in Nigeria:
Changes, challenges and chances. Association of Business Educators Nigeria Book of
Reading,2(1), 97-104.
Owoeye, J.S., & Yara.(2011). School facilities and academic achievement of secondary
school agricultural science in Ekiti State, Nigeria.Journal of Asian Social
Science,7(7), 64-74.
Salami, L.O. (2016). Infrastructural needs assessment for effective implementation of
entrepreneurship education programme in senior secondary schools in Kwara State.
Nigerian Journal of Business Education,3(1), 316-325.
Sopuruchi, N.P., & Nnoka, U.E. (2013).Assessment of infrastructural facilities for teaching
entrepreneurship education in universities in Imo State.Journal of Business and
Enterprise Development,4, 591-611.
Twiggs, C.A. (2014). The need for a national learning infrastructure. Retrieved from http://
Ukaegbe, N.J. (2015). Adequacy and management of infrastructures in colleges of education,
Delta State.Journal of Enterprising Culture,15(2), 121-130.
National Universities Commission.(2006). Guidelines for the establishment of
entrepreneurship development centres in universities.Unpublished manuscript..
Abdularim, M. (2011). Situational analysis of resources for implementing business
studies curriculum of the universal basic education (UBE) programme in
Onelga Local Government of Rivers State, Nigeria. International Journal of
Educational Development, 13-54.
Anioke, B.O. (2011). Problems and prospects of business education in Nigria.In C.E.
Eze.Introduction to Vocational Education (New Edition). Enugu: Lady Star
Printing Services.
Agoha, C.G. (2015). The place of adequate skills and facilities for effective
implementation and achievement of ICT and entrepreneurship education
curriculum in business education in colleges of education, Kano
State.Association of Business Educators of Nigeria Book of Readings,3(1),
Akpan, C., & Etor, C. (2013).University lecturers’ perception of entrepreneurship
education as an employment strategy for graduate self-employment in southsouth Nigeria.International Journal of Asia Social Science,3(5), 1180-1195.
Akighgbe, O.J. (2014). A survey of technical and vocational skills need by out of
school youth in Edo north senatorial district. Nigeria Journal of Business
Desai, D. (2012). Education and infrastructures.Retrieved from
Enyekit, E.O. & Enyekit, K.E.O. (2015). Extent of availability of school plants and
facilities for effective administration of business education programmes in
tertiary institutions in Rivers State. Nigerian Journal of Business
Education,2(2), 118-128.
Enyekit, E.O., Onuekwa, F.A., & Silas-Dikibo, I.D. (2011).Extent of instructional
materials usage and academics performance in shorthand of Office
Technology and Management (OTM) students in tertiary institutions in Rivers
State.Journal of Pristine,2(1), 143-149.
Enyekit, E.O., Amaehule, S., Onyeche, C.N., & Enyekit, K.E.O. (2011). Vocational
guidance and career development needs of undergraduate business education
students in tertiary institutions in Rivers State.Journal of the Association of
Advancement of Knowledge,23(2), 123-129.
Ephraim, Y. & Stanly E. S. (1967).A system resources approach to organization
effectiveness.American Sociological Review, D01-10.2307/2092843.
Ezeani, N.S. (2012). Application of entrepreneurship education: A panacea for
effective secondary schools management in Nigeria. Singaprean Journal of
Business Economics and Management Studies,1(5), 7-45.
Federal Republic of Nigeria.(2004). National policy on education. Yaba Lagos:
National Educational Research Development Press.
Igboke, S.A., & Chinedu, O. (2015).Imperativeness of educational infrastructure in
the production of competent business teachers.Nigerian Journal of Business
Education,2(2), 151-158.
Igbuzor, D.O. (2016). The state of education in Nigeria. A keynote address delivered
at a round table conference organized by Civil Society Action Coalition on
Education for All. Retrieved from
Ikegwuani, V.U. (2015). Availability and sustainability of infrastructural facilities for
business studies in public and private secondary schools in Onitsha north and south LGA of Anambra State, Nigeria.Nigerian Journal of Business Education,2(2), 129-
Izuagba, A.C., & Enwereuzo, N.M.C. (2010).Entrepreneurial skills in English language
teacher education curriculum.International Journal of Education Research,11(3),
Jumbo, P.O.A., & Nwokocha, E.G. (2015).Availability and adequacy of infrastructural
facilities as panacea for the achievement of behavioural objective of business studies
in Rivers State.Nigerian Journal of Business Education,2(2), 139-150.
Okike, O.N. & Abraham-Ibe, I.G. (2015).Challenges of infrastructural facilities to office
technology and management education.Nigerian Journal f Business Education,2(3),
Onwukwe, V.O. & Alice, K. (2012).The challenges of modern instructional facilities to office
technology and management lecturers in Nigeria polytechnics.Association of Business
Educators of Nigeria Book of Reading,2(1), 196-203.
Onyesom, M., Egbule, N.C., & Okwuokenye, A.E. (2012). Business education in Nigeria:
Changes, challenges and chances. Association of Business Educators Nigeria Book of
Reading,2(1), 97-104.
Owoeye, J.S., & Yara.(2011). School facilities and academic achievement of secondary
school agricultural science in Ekiti State, Nigeria.Journal of Asian Social
Science,7(7), 64-74.
Salami, L.O. (2016). Infrastructural needs assessment for effective implementation of
entrepreneurship education programme in senior secondary schools in Kwara State.
Nigerian Journal of Business Education,3(1), 316-325.
Sopuruchi, N.P., & Nnoka, U.E. (2013).Assessment of infrastructural facilities for teaching
entrepreneurship education in universities in Imo State.Journal of Business and
Enterprise Development,4, 591-611.
Twiggs, C.A. (2014). The need for a national learning infrastructure. Retrieved from http://
Ukaegbe, N.J. (2015). Adequacy and management of infrastructures in colleges of education,
Delta State.Journal of Enterprising Culture,15(2), 121-130.
National Universities Commission.(2006). Guidelines for the establishment of
entrepreneurship development centres in universities.Unpublished manuscript..