Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 5 (2020)
Ezenwafor, Justina I Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State,
Garba, Ado Gude Department of Office Technology and Management, Kano State Polytechnic, Kano State
The need to improve computer application competencies of graduates of Office
Technology and Management (OTM) programme based on persistent complaints on
their lack of the relevant competencies by employers necessitated this study on
administrative supervisors’ assessment of database management and webpage
design competencies possessed by OTM graduate workers in North-West Nigeria
polytechnics.Two research questions guided the study and four null hypotheses
were tested.Descriptive survey research design was used for the study.The
population was 378 administrative supervisors in state and federal polytechnics.
The population was used as sample. A structured 5-point rating scale questionnaire
containing 36 items in two clusters was validated by three experts from the Faculty
of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka and used for data collection. The
reliability of the instrument was established using split-half with Pearson Product
Moment Correlation Co-efficient formula and reliability co-efficient value of 0.78
was obtained. Mean and standard deviation were employed to answer the research
questions and determine the homogeneity of the respondents’ views while t-test was
used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Findings revealed that
the OTM graduate workers possessed database management competencies at a
moderate level and possessed webpage design competencies at a little level. Gender
and ownership of the institution influenced the respondents’ views on database
management competencies of the OTM graduate workers but did not on webpage
design competencies. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the OTM
graduate workers in polytechnics in North-West Nigeria do not possess the relevant
competencies for effective utilization of database management and webpage design
applications. It was, therefore, recommended among others that OTM graduate
workers in North-West Nigeria Polytechnics should seek out and utilize selfsponsored opportunities to improve their level of competencies in the two
applications to enable them perform their duties effectively.
Technology and Management (OTM) programme based on persistent complaints on
their lack of the relevant competencies by employers necessitated this study on
administrative supervisors’ assessment of database management and webpage
design competencies possessed by OTM graduate workers in North-West Nigeria
polytechnics.Two research questions guided the study and four null hypotheses
were tested.Descriptive survey research design was used for the study.The
population was 378 administrative supervisors in state and federal polytechnics.
The population was used as sample. A structured 5-point rating scale questionnaire
containing 36 items in two clusters was validated by three experts from the Faculty
of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka and used for data collection. The
reliability of the instrument was established using split-half with Pearson Product
Moment Correlation Co-efficient formula and reliability co-efficient value of 0.78
was obtained. Mean and standard deviation were employed to answer the research
questions and determine the homogeneity of the respondents’ views while t-test was
used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Findings revealed that
the OTM graduate workers possessed database management competencies at a
moderate level and possessed webpage design competencies at a little level. Gender
and ownership of the institution influenced the respondents’ views on database
management competencies of the OTM graduate workers but did not on webpage
design competencies. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the OTM
graduate workers in polytechnics in North-West Nigeria do not possess the relevant
competencies for effective utilization of database management and webpage design
applications. It was, therefore, recommended among others that OTM graduate
workers in North-West Nigeria Polytechnics should seek out and utilize selfsponsored opportunities to improve their level of competencies in the two
applications to enable them perform their duties effectively.
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209 – 220.
Agomuo, E. E. (2005). Modern office technology: Issues, procedures and practice.
Nsukka: University of Nigeria Press.
Arora, S. P. (2012). Office organization and management. Newdelhi: Vikas
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technologies: Challenges for office educators in polytechnics in South-South
of Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Business Education, 1(3), 122-137.
Ezenwafor, J. I. & Onokpaunu, M. O. (2016). Extent of application of web-based
instructional technologies by business education lecturers in tertiary
institutions in Delta State. NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational
Education,1(1), 118-130.
Garba, A. M. (2012). Self assessment of OTM students on computer applications in
North-west Nigerian Polytechnics (Unpublished master’s thesis). Nnamdi
Azikiwe University, Awka.
Grace, O. F. (2015). Assessment of instructional facilities and equipment available for
implementation of office technology and management programme in Nigerian
polytechnics. Nigerian Journal of Business Education, 2(3), 200-212.
Hart, K. & Cieller, M. (2007). New perspective on micro media dreamweaver 8. China:
Course Technology.
Hortorn, S. (2014). Universal design for webpage. Whiterny: Rosenfeld Media.
Ibrahim, R. A. & Kazeem, R.A. (2015). Essential computer studies. Ogoni: Tonad
Publishers Limited.
Luke, S. (2012). The truth about HTML5 for web designers. Retrieved from
National Board for Technical Education (2004). Curriculum and Course Specification.
Kaduna: NBTE.
Ndinechi, G. I. & Okoro, O. B. (2013). Assessment of ICT competencies possessed by
polytechnic lecturers in South-South geographical Zone of Nigeria. Journal of
Vocational and Adult Education 8(1), 1 -15.
Oguejiofor, C. S. (2013). Assessment of the quality of managerial skills of secretaries in
the public service of Anambra State. Nigerian Journal of Business education, 1(2),
68 – 74.
Oguejiofor,C. S. & Umeh, U. F. (2016). Database management functions used by
secretaries in managing records in the civil service of Anambra State. Nigerian
Journal of Business Education, 3(2), 264 – 269.
Okolocha, C. C. & Olanye, V. E. (2015). Supervisors’ rating of word processing and
spreadsheet competencies possessed by secretaries in government ministries in Delta
State of Nigeria. Journal of Technology and Vocational Education. 1(2), 29-37.
Pedraza, J. P. O. (2011). Microsoft access relational database. Retrieved from
digitalcommons.calpoly. edu/cgi/ viewcontent.cgi?article=1095..imesp.
Sawyer, S.C. & Williams, K.B. (2009). Using information technology: A practical
introduction to computer. London: McGrow-Hill.
Tonye-Okeme, A. F. & Mohammad, S. I. (2016). Element of webpage design. Ibadan:
Agunbay Publishers.
Katsina Journal of Administration and Management Science, 1(4), 95-102.
Adelekin, T. R. (2009). Issues and trends in teaching and learning of office
technology and management. Book of Reading in Business Education 6(2),
209 – 220.
Agomuo, E. E. (2005). Modern office technology: Issues, procedures and practice.
Nsukka: University of Nigeria Press.
Arora, S. P. (2012). Office organization and management. Newdelhi: Vikas
Publishing House Limited.
Asuquo, E. E. (2010). Business information processing skills needed by business
center operators. Business Education Journal, 7 (2), 95-101.
Ernest, A.C.E. (2010). Office operational skills perceived as necessary for office
information system by secretaries in university of Nigeria, Nsukka. Business
Education Journal, 7(2),131 – 139.
Esene, A. R. (2014). Office technology and management curriculum and new
technologies: Challenges for office educators in polytechnics in South-South
of Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Business Education, 1(3), 122-137.
Ezenwafor, J. I. & Onokpaunu, M. O. (2016). Extent of application of web-based
instructional technologies by business education lecturers in tertiary
institutions in Delta State. NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational
Education,1(1), 118-130.
Garba, A. M. (2012). Self assessment of OTM students on computer applications in
North-west Nigerian Polytechnics (Unpublished master’s thesis). Nnamdi
Azikiwe University, Awka.
Grace, O. F. (2015). Assessment of instructional facilities and equipment available for
implementation of office technology and management programme in Nigerian
polytechnics. Nigerian Journal of Business Education, 2(3), 200-212.
Hart, K. & Cieller, M. (2007). New perspective on micro media dreamweaver 8. China:
Course Technology.
Hortorn, S. (2014). Universal design for webpage. Whiterny: Rosenfeld Media.
Ibrahim, R. A. & Kazeem, R.A. (2015). Essential computer studies. Ogoni: Tonad
Publishers Limited.
Luke, S. (2012). The truth about HTML5 for web designers. Retrieved from
National Board for Technical Education (2004). Curriculum and Course Specification.
Kaduna: NBTE.
Ndinechi, G. I. & Okoro, O. B. (2013). Assessment of ICT competencies possessed by
polytechnic lecturers in South-South geographical Zone of Nigeria. Journal of
Vocational and Adult Education 8(1), 1 -15.
Oguejiofor, C. S. (2013). Assessment of the quality of managerial skills of secretaries in
the public service of Anambra State. Nigerian Journal of Business education, 1(2),
68 – 74.
Oguejiofor,C. S. & Umeh, U. F. (2016). Database management functions used by
secretaries in managing records in the civil service of Anambra State. Nigerian
Journal of Business Education, 3(2), 264 – 269.
Okolocha, C. C. & Olanye, V. E. (2015). Supervisors’ rating of word processing and
spreadsheet competencies possessed by secretaries in government ministries in Delta
State of Nigeria. Journal of Technology and Vocational Education. 1(2), 29-37.
Pedraza, J. P. O. (2011). Microsoft access relational database. Retrieved from
digitalcommons.calpoly. edu/cgi/ viewcontent.cgi?article=1095..imesp.
Sawyer, S.C. & Williams, K.B. (2009). Using information technology: A practical
introduction to computer. London: McGrow-Hill.
Tonye-Okeme, A. F. & Mohammad, S. I. (2016). Element of webpage design. Ibadan:
Agunbay Publishers.