Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 5 (2020)
Okeke, A.U Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe, University, Awka
Mukolu, Patience Favour Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe, University, Awka,
The study appraised employee recruitment practices utilized by managers of small
and medium scale enterprises (SMSEs) for improved performance in Delta State.
One research question guided the study and two hypotheses were tested.
Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The study was carried out in
Delta State of Nigeria. The decision to use Delta State for the study is informed by
the fact that the state has many SMSEs which are experiencing reduction in
business size, slow expansion rate and even business failure. Population for the
study consisted of 420 managers of SMSEs in the general business service sector
operating in Delta State. The entire population was used in the study without
sampling. A structured questionnaire comprising seven items which was validated
by three experts in the field was used to collect data. Mean and standard deviation
were used to answer the research question and determine the closeness of the
respondents’ mean while Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and t-test were used in
testing the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Findings revealed that
managers of SMEs in Delta State utilize employee recruitment practices to a
moderate extent. It was also revealed that years of business experience and gender
of the respondents did not significantly influence their mean ratings. Based on
these findings, it was recommended among others, that managers of SMSEs should
make concerted efforts to improve their employee recruitment process and systems
through purchase and reading of books and journals on employee recruitment
practices. It was also recommended that the National Association for Small and
Medium Scale Entrepreneurs (NASME) should organize conferences and
workshops for her members in order to educate them on the importance of
recruiting the right employees in their organization.
and medium scale enterprises (SMSEs) for improved performance in Delta State.
One research question guided the study and two hypotheses were tested.
Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The study was carried out in
Delta State of Nigeria. The decision to use Delta State for the study is informed by
the fact that the state has many SMSEs which are experiencing reduction in
business size, slow expansion rate and even business failure. Population for the
study consisted of 420 managers of SMSEs in the general business service sector
operating in Delta State. The entire population was used in the study without
sampling. A structured questionnaire comprising seven items which was validated
by three experts in the field was used to collect data. Mean and standard deviation
were used to answer the research question and determine the closeness of the
respondents’ mean while Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and t-test were used in
testing the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Findings revealed that
managers of SMEs in Delta State utilize employee recruitment practices to a
moderate extent. It was also revealed that years of business experience and gender
of the respondents did not significantly influence their mean ratings. Based on
these findings, it was recommended among others, that managers of SMSEs should
make concerted efforts to improve their employee recruitment process and systems
through purchase and reading of books and journals on employee recruitment
practices. It was also recommended that the National Association for Small and
Medium Scale Entrepreneurs (NASME) should organize conferences and
workshops for her members in order to educate them on the importance of
recruiting the right employees in their organization.
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selection criteria on organizational performance. Global Journal of Human
Resource Management, 3 (2), 22-33.
Gamage, A. S. (2014). Recruitment and selection practices in manufacturing
SMEs in Japan: An analysis of the link with business performance. Ruhuna
Journal of Management and Finance, 1(1), 37-52.
Henry, O., & Temtime, Z. (2009). Recruitment and selection practices in SMEs:
Empirical evidence from a developing country perspective. Advances in
Management, 3(2), 52-58.
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István, J. (2010). Selection methods used in recruiting sales team members.
Periodica Oeconomica, October, 110–117.
Kanu, A. M. (2015). An investigation into the prevalence of HRM Practices in
SMEs: Sierra
Leone an Example. Developing Country Studies, 5 (6), 11-28.
Miller, O. (2011). Assessment of strategies for enhancing financial management
adopted by entreprenuers in Edo and Delta States as perceived by
microfinance managers. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Department of
Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.
Muogbo, U. S. (2013). The impact of strategic human resource management onsmall and
medium sized enterprises: A study of some selected paint manufacturing firms in
Anambra State Nigeria. Global Journal of Management and Business Studies,
3(3), 323-340.
Ofori, D. & Aryeetey, M. (2011). Recruitment and selection practices in small and
medium enterprises. International Journal of Business Administration, 2(3):45-60.
Oguntolu, T. A. (2008). Extent of utilization of information and communication
technology (ICT) in small and medium scale enterprises in Ogun state. A Master’s
Thesis, Department of Business Education, University of Nigeria Nsukka.
Okpara, J., & Wynn, P. (2008). Human resource management practices in a transition
economy: Challenges and prospects. Management Research News,31(1), 57-76.
Ologunde, A. O., Jame-Unam, J. U. & Jame-Unam, F. C. (2015). The impact of strategic
human resource management on competitiveness of small and medium-scale
enterprises in the Nigerian hospitality industry. International Multidisciplinary
Journal Ethiopia, 9(4), 264-276.
Opatha, H.H.D.N.P. (2010). Human resource management. Colombo: Author Publishers.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2012).
Financing SMEs and entrepreneurs 2012: An OECD Scoreboard, OECD Publishing.
pp.66-73. Retrieved from
Oroka, O. V. (2013). Working capital management practices required by small and
medium scale enterprises for effective operation in Delta State. A Master’s Thesis,
Department of Vocational Teacher Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Oyoyo, A. O. (2014). Appraisal of the application of total quality management in
secondary school administration in Umuahia Education Zone. A Master’s Thesis,
Department of Educational Foundations University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Rauf, M. A. (2007). HRM sophistication and SME performance: A case of readymade
garment manufacturers and exporters in Lahore. Pakistan Report, London: HMS.
Sinha, V. & Thaly, P. (2013). A review on changing trend of recruitment practice to
enhance the quality of hiring in global organizations. Management, 18(2), 141-
Terpstra, E. D., & Rozell, J. E. (2013). The relationship of staffing practices to
organizational level measures of performance. Personnel Psychology,
46(1). 27– 48.
management (HRM) practices on employee job performance: A study of
Usman Danfodiyo University Sokoto. Journal of Business Studies
Quarterly, 5(2), 247-259.
Ekwoaba, J., Ikeije, U. & Ufoma, N. (2015). The impact of recruitment and
selection criteria on organizational performance. Global Journal of Human
Resource Management, 3 (2), 22-33.
Gamage, A. S. (2014). Recruitment and selection practices in manufacturing
SMEs in Japan: An analysis of the link with business performance. Ruhuna
Journal of Management and Finance, 1(1), 37-52.
Henry, O., & Temtime, Z. (2009). Recruitment and selection practices in SMEs:
Empirical evidence from a developing country perspective. Advances in
Management, 3(2), 52-58.
Harber, J. (2008). Administrative management strategies. California: Corwin press,
István, J. (2010). Selection methods used in recruiting sales team members.
Periodica Oeconomica, October, 110–117.
Kanu, A. M. (2015). An investigation into the prevalence of HRM Practices in
SMEs: Sierra
Leone an Example. Developing Country Studies, 5 (6), 11-28.
Miller, O. (2011). Assessment of strategies for enhancing financial management
adopted by entreprenuers in Edo and Delta States as perceived by
microfinance managers. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Department of
Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.
Muogbo, U. S. (2013). The impact of strategic human resource management onsmall and
medium sized enterprises: A study of some selected paint manufacturing firms in
Anambra State Nigeria. Global Journal of Management and Business Studies,
3(3), 323-340.
Ofori, D. & Aryeetey, M. (2011). Recruitment and selection practices in small and
medium enterprises. International Journal of Business Administration, 2(3):45-60.
Oguntolu, T. A. (2008). Extent of utilization of information and communication
technology (ICT) in small and medium scale enterprises in Ogun state. A Master’s
Thesis, Department of Business Education, University of Nigeria Nsukka.
Okpara, J., & Wynn, P. (2008). Human resource management practices in a transition
economy: Challenges and prospects. Management Research News,31(1), 57-76.
Ologunde, A. O., Jame-Unam, J. U. & Jame-Unam, F. C. (2015). The impact of strategic
human resource management on competitiveness of small and medium-scale
enterprises in the Nigerian hospitality industry. International Multidisciplinary
Journal Ethiopia, 9(4), 264-276.
Opatha, H.H.D.N.P. (2010). Human resource management. Colombo: Author Publishers.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2012).
Financing SMEs and entrepreneurs 2012: An OECD Scoreboard, OECD Publishing.
pp.66-73. Retrieved from
Oroka, O. V. (2013). Working capital management practices required by small and
medium scale enterprises for effective operation in Delta State. A Master’s Thesis,
Department of Vocational Teacher Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Oyoyo, A. O. (2014). Appraisal of the application of total quality management in
secondary school administration in Umuahia Education Zone. A Master’s Thesis,
Department of Educational Foundations University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Rauf, M. A. (2007). HRM sophistication and SME performance: A case of readymade
garment manufacturers and exporters in Lahore. Pakistan Report, London: HMS.
Sinha, V. & Thaly, P. (2013). A review on changing trend of recruitment practice to
enhance the quality of hiring in global organizations. Management, 18(2), 141-
Terpstra, E. D., & Rozell, J. E. (2013). The relationship of staffing practices to
organizational level measures of performance. Personnel Psychology,
46(1). 27– 48.