Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 5 (2020)
Ibeneme, O.T
Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka,
Okafor, Stella Ngozika
+2348033592741 Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
The need to improve and ensure effective marketability of products of manufacturing
companies necessitated this study on the extent of utilization of advertising as a
marketing communication strategy by manufacturing companies in Anambra State.
One research question guided the study and two null hypotheses were tested.
Descriptive survey research design was employed for the study. The population
consisted of 298 executives (managers and owners) of registered manufacturing
companies in Anambra State. The entire population was studied without sampling
because the size was not too large.The instrument for data collection was a
researcher developed questionnaire titled “Marketing Communication Strategy
Questionnaire(MCSQ)”.The questionnaire was validated by three experts. The
internal consistency of marketing communication strategy questionnaire (MCSQ)
was established using Cronbach alpha and reliability coefficient value of 0.86 was
obtained. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research question
while t-test and ANOVA were used totestthe null hypotheses at 0.05 level of
significance. Findings of the study revealed that manufacturing companies in
Anambra State utilized advertising to a moderate extent. It was recommended
among others that business educators in tertiary institutions should be innovative in
their instructional delivery by exposing their students to all components of
marketing communication strategies to enable them successfully operate their own
small and medium scale enterprises after graduation.
companies necessitated this study on the extent of utilization of advertising as a
marketing communication strategy by manufacturing companies in Anambra State.
One research question guided the study and two null hypotheses were tested.
Descriptive survey research design was employed for the study. The population
consisted of 298 executives (managers and owners) of registered manufacturing
companies in Anambra State. The entire population was studied without sampling
because the size was not too large.The instrument for data collection was a
researcher developed questionnaire titled “Marketing Communication Strategy
Questionnaire(MCSQ)”.The questionnaire was validated by three experts. The
internal consistency of marketing communication strategy questionnaire (MCSQ)
was established using Cronbach alpha and reliability coefficient value of 0.86 was
obtained. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research question
while t-test and ANOVA were used totestthe null hypotheses at 0.05 level of
significance. Findings of the study revealed that manufacturing companies in
Anambra State utilized advertising to a moderate extent. It was recommended
among others that business educators in tertiary institutions should be innovative in
their instructional delivery by exposing their students to all components of
marketing communication strategies to enable them successfully operate their own
small and medium scale enterprises after graduation.
Adeloye,T. (2012). Modelling and analysis of manufacturing system.New York:
Johnwilley and Sons.
Chaffey, F V, Ellis-Chadwick, M.F, Mayer .B.N, &Johnson.T.W
(2010).Manufactured exports in sub-saharan African economies:
Econometric tests for the learning by exporting hypothesis.American
international Journal of Contemporary Research, 2 (4),199-206.
El-Gharry, N.E (2012).Raising the corporate umbrella: Corporate communications
in the 21st century. UK: Palgrave Publishers Ltd
Freeman, L. (2012). Smaller budget, big reach: Networks sold on integrated
marketing. Electronic media, 12:45-67
George, P. E (2010). Assessment ofthe extent of utilization of advertising as a
marketing strategy and its influence on the sale of shopping goods in
Bayelsa State. A MastersThesis Department of Marketing. Bayelsa State
Govoni, J.N. (2014). Advertising communications and promotions management
(2ndEdition). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Haugh, L. J. (2009). Defining and redefining. Advertising Age, 2 (2),44-50.
Nwokolo, J.K. (2016). The influence of television advertising as a strategy for
consumers demand for soft drinks in Enugu metropolis.Journal of Business
and Management Research, 2(1),16-20.
Soderbom, M. & Teal, F. (2012).The performance of Nigerian manufacturing firm.
Report on the Nigerian Manufacturing Enterprise Survey 2001, United
Nations Industrial Development Organization and Centre for the study of
African Economics, Oxford University, London.
Suhr, J.D. (2010). Risks and opportunities facing companies in the Post-Crisis Era.
Retrieved from
Johnwilley and Sons.
Chaffey, F V, Ellis-Chadwick, M.F, Mayer .B.N, &Johnson.T.W
(2010).Manufactured exports in sub-saharan African economies:
Econometric tests for the learning by exporting hypothesis.American
international Journal of Contemporary Research, 2 (4),199-206.
El-Gharry, N.E (2012).Raising the corporate umbrella: Corporate communications
in the 21st century. UK: Palgrave Publishers Ltd
Freeman, L. (2012). Smaller budget, big reach: Networks sold on integrated
marketing. Electronic media, 12:45-67
George, P. E (2010). Assessment ofthe extent of utilization of advertising as a
marketing strategy and its influence on the sale of shopping goods in
Bayelsa State. A MastersThesis Department of Marketing. Bayelsa State
Govoni, J.N. (2014). Advertising communications and promotions management
(2ndEdition). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Haugh, L. J. (2009). Defining and redefining. Advertising Age, 2 (2),44-50.
Nwokolo, J.K. (2016). The influence of television advertising as a strategy for
consumers demand for soft drinks in Enugu metropolis.Journal of Business
and Management Research, 2(1),16-20.
Soderbom, M. & Teal, F. (2012).The performance of Nigerian manufacturing firm.
Report on the Nigerian Manufacturing Enterprise Survey 2001, United
Nations Industrial Development Organization and Centre for the study of
African Economics, Oxford University, London.
Suhr, J.D. (2010). Risks and opportunities facing companies in the Post-Crisis Era.
Retrieved from