Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 5 (2020)
Eze, A. N
Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State
Ojuro, Calista Ifeoma
Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze, Anambra State
The study determined the utilization of instructional materials in teaching and
learning of business studies in secondary schools in Anambra State. Two research
questions guided the study and two null hypotheses were. Descriptive survey
research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised
296 business subject teachers in all public secondary schools in Anambra State. A
five point rating scale questionnaire which was validated by experts was used for
data collection. Cronbach alpha was used to test the reliability of the instrument and
reliability index of .82 was obtained. Data collected from the study were analyzed
using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions and ascertain
the homogeneity of the respondents while Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used
to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The results showed that the
business studies teachers seldomly utilized projected visual instructional materials
and often utilized non-projected visual instructional materials in teaching. The
findings further revealed that teachers did not differ significantly in their mean
ratings based on years of experience.It was concluded that utilization of
instructional materials by business studies teachers should help secondary school
students acquire entrepreneurial skills that will enable them to be self-sufficient in
the competitive world of work. Based on the findings, the researchers recommended,
among others, that relevant authorities should organize seminars, in-service
training, conferences and workshops for business studies teachers on the utilization
of instructional materials for effective learning outcomes.
learning of business studies in secondary schools in Anambra State. Two research
questions guided the study and two null hypotheses were. Descriptive survey
research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised
296 business subject teachers in all public secondary schools in Anambra State. A
five point rating scale questionnaire which was validated by experts was used for
data collection. Cronbach alpha was used to test the reliability of the instrument and
reliability index of .82 was obtained. Data collected from the study were analyzed
using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions and ascertain
the homogeneity of the respondents while Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used
to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The results showed that the
business studies teachers seldomly utilized projected visual instructional materials
and often utilized non-projected visual instructional materials in teaching. The
findings further revealed that teachers did not differ significantly in their mean
ratings based on years of experience.It was concluded that utilization of
instructional materials by business studies teachers should help secondary school
students acquire entrepreneurial skills that will enable them to be self-sufficient in
the competitive world of work. Based on the findings, the researchers recommended,
among others, that relevant authorities should organize seminars, in-service
training, conferences and workshops for business studies teachers on the utilization
of instructional materials for effective learning outcomes.
Adekunle, R. B. (2008). Social studies curriculum lecture materials in SSC402.
Unpublished Lecture note
Akude, I. (2004). Towards an efficient maintenance of educational much a resources
for effective lesson delivery. Journal of Education Science and Technology,
1, 86-97.
Amoor, S. S. (2010). The need to improve teacher quality in business education in
Nigerian universities. International Journal of Education Research, 11(1),
Barnard, J. (2007). Factors affecting uptake of CAL in further education.
Bello, I. A. (2015). Effect of non projected visuals on junior secondary school
students’ performance in Islamic studies in Dawakin-Tofa, Kano State, Nigeria. A thesis submitted to the Department of Educational Foundations
and Curriculum Faculty of Education Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
Bongotons, O. T. & Onyenwe, B. O. (2010). Availability and adequacy of ICT
resources in business teacher education programme of Nigeria. Business
Education Journal, 1(2), 200-215.
Boor, C. M. (2013). Impact of projected still visuals on the academic performance
of junior secondary school students in social studies in Zaria inspectorate
(Educational) division in Kaduna State. M.Ed Thesis submitted to
Department of Educational Foundation and Curriculum, Ahmadu Bello
University, Zaria, Nigeria.
Diaz, J. B. (2015). Non-projected display teaching/learning materials.
Effiong, O. E., & Igiri, C. E. (2015). Impact of instructional materials in teaching
and learning of biology in senior secondary schools in Yakurr LGA.
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 62, 27-33.
Emeasoba, N. C., & Igwe, J. N. (2016). Business studies teachers’ perception of
effective strategies for teaching business studies in promoting national
sustainable development.Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational
Research and Policy Studies (JETERAPS) 7(3): 217-225
Eze, S. (2011). New secondary school curriculum takes off September. The Punch
Newspaper, 17 February 2011.
Federal Republic of Nigreia (2014). National policy on education. Lagos: NERDC.
Inyiagu, E. E. (2015). The use of visual aids in the teaching of the new trade subjects
in senior secondary schools in Ebonyi local government area of Ebonyi
State. International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education
Research, 1(4), 10-16.
Isola, O. M. (2011). Effects of standardized and improvised instructional materials
on academic achievements in secondary school physics. Unpublished M.Ed
Thesis, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
Makanya, G. (2015). The impact of instructional media in improving students’
performance in principles of accounts teaching: A case study of form three
students at Ruya high school. A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of
Mezieobi, D. I. (2003). Effect of instructional materials on the teaching Social
Studies in secondary school in Edo State. Unpublished M.Ed thesisDelta
State University, Abraka.
Nwabunwanne, C. C. (2009). Improvisation of instructional materials by Basic 7-9
secondary school home economics teachers in Anambra State. A Thesis
submitted to the Department of Vocational Teacher Education (Home
Economics Education), Faculty of Education, University of
Nworgu, B. G. (2015). Educational research: Basic issues and methodology (3rd
edition). Enugu: University Trust Publishers.
Ode, E. O. (2014). Impact of audio-visual resources on teaching and learning in
some selected private secondary schools in Makurdi. International Journal
of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature, 2(5), 195-202.
Okafor, A. N. (2013). Effects of instructional materials in the teaching and learning
of economics in secondary schools of Umunneochi Local Government Area.
Unpublished NCE project. Alvan Ikoku College of Education Owerri
Orji, K. E. (2005). Historical consciousness and sustainable development in Nigeria:
The experience of Niger Delta communities in SOPHIA, An African
Journal of Philosophy, 7 (2) Department of philosophy, University of
Calabar, Nigeria.
Paul, W. (2006). How to teach in college. (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Honghton Mifflin
Co. Retrieve from study skills. asp.
Reiser, R. A., & Dempsey, V. J. (eds). (2006). Trends and issues in instructional
design and technology, 2nd edition. Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0131708058
Umezulike, A. N. & Okoye, A. C. (2013). Promoting the stability of the Nigerian
Economy through quality assurance in business education. ABEN Book of
Readings, 3(1), 181-187.
Unpublished Lecture note
Akude, I. (2004). Towards an efficient maintenance of educational much a resources
for effective lesson delivery. Journal of Education Science and Technology,
1, 86-97.
Amoor, S. S. (2010). The need to improve teacher quality in business education in
Nigerian universities. International Journal of Education Research, 11(1),
Barnard, J. (2007). Factors affecting uptake of CAL in further education.
Bello, I. A. (2015). Effect of non projected visuals on junior secondary school
students’ performance in Islamic studies in Dawakin-Tofa, Kano State, Nigeria. A thesis submitted to the Department of Educational Foundations
and Curriculum Faculty of Education Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
Bongotons, O. T. & Onyenwe, B. O. (2010). Availability and adequacy of ICT
resources in business teacher education programme of Nigeria. Business
Education Journal, 1(2), 200-215.
Boor, C. M. (2013). Impact of projected still visuals on the academic performance
of junior secondary school students in social studies in Zaria inspectorate
(Educational) division in Kaduna State. M.Ed Thesis submitted to
Department of Educational Foundation and Curriculum, Ahmadu Bello
University, Zaria, Nigeria.
Diaz, J. B. (2015). Non-projected display teaching/learning materials.
Effiong, O. E., & Igiri, C. E. (2015). Impact of instructional materials in teaching
and learning of biology in senior secondary schools in Yakurr LGA.
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 62, 27-33.
Emeasoba, N. C., & Igwe, J. N. (2016). Business studies teachers’ perception of
effective strategies for teaching business studies in promoting national
sustainable development.Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational
Research and Policy Studies (JETERAPS) 7(3): 217-225
Eze, S. (2011). New secondary school curriculum takes off September. The Punch
Newspaper, 17 February 2011.
Federal Republic of Nigreia (2014). National policy on education. Lagos: NERDC.
Inyiagu, E. E. (2015). The use of visual aids in the teaching of the new trade subjects
in senior secondary schools in Ebonyi local government area of Ebonyi
State. International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education
Research, 1(4), 10-16.
Isola, O. M. (2011). Effects of standardized and improvised instructional materials
on academic achievements in secondary school physics. Unpublished M.Ed
Thesis, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
Makanya, G. (2015). The impact of instructional media in improving students’
performance in principles of accounts teaching: A case study of form three
students at Ruya high school. A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of
Mezieobi, D. I. (2003). Effect of instructional materials on the teaching Social
Studies in secondary school in Edo State. Unpublished M.Ed thesisDelta
State University, Abraka.
Nwabunwanne, C. C. (2009). Improvisation of instructional materials by Basic 7-9
secondary school home economics teachers in Anambra State. A Thesis
submitted to the Department of Vocational Teacher Education (Home
Economics Education), Faculty of Education, University of
Nworgu, B. G. (2015). Educational research: Basic issues and methodology (3rd
edition). Enugu: University Trust Publishers.
Ode, E. O. (2014). Impact of audio-visual resources on teaching and learning in
some selected private secondary schools in Makurdi. International Journal
of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature, 2(5), 195-202.
Okafor, A. N. (2013). Effects of instructional materials in the teaching and learning
of economics in secondary schools of Umunneochi Local Government Area.
Unpublished NCE project. Alvan Ikoku College of Education Owerri
Orji, K. E. (2005). Historical consciousness and sustainable development in Nigeria:
The experience of Niger Delta communities in SOPHIA, An African
Journal of Philosophy, 7 (2) Department of philosophy, University of
Calabar, Nigeria.
Paul, W. (2006). How to teach in college. (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Honghton Mifflin
Co. Retrieve from study skills. asp.
Reiser, R. A., & Dempsey, V. J. (eds). (2006). Trends and issues in instructional
design and technology, 2nd edition. Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0131708058
Umezulike, A. N. & Okoye, A. C. (2013). Promoting the stability of the Nigerian
Economy through quality assurance in business education. ABEN Book of
Readings, 3(1), 181-187.