Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 6 (2021)
Akaeze, Justina Ukamaka Department of Science Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, PMB 5025, Akwa
Okigbo, Ebele Chinelo Department of Science Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, PMB 5025, Akwa
This study investigated the effect of graphical organizer and metacognitive reading on Junior
secondary school two (JSS2) students’ academic achievement in algebra in Onitsha Education
Zone of Anambra State. One research question guided the study and one null hypothesis were
tested at 0.05 alpha level A quasi experimental research design, specifically, pre-test, post-test
non-equivalent control design was used. The population of the study consists of 4,433 JSS2
students while 150 students formed the sample size. The sample technique employed was multistage sampling. The research instrument used for data collection was the mathematics
achievement test. The instrument was validated by three experts and Kuder Richardson
Formula 20 was used to ascertain the reliability coefficient at 0.87. Mean, standard deviation
and analysis of covariance were used for data analysis. The findings of the study showed that
students taught algebra using Graphic Organizer and metacognitive reading strategies
significantly achieved more than those taught with traditional method and students taught
algebra using graphic organizer achieved significantly higher than those taught using
conventional method of teaching. It was recommended among others that in-serving
mathematics teachers should be trained by government and ministry of education on the use of
graphic organizer and metacognitive reading strategies through workshops, seminars.
secondary school two (JSS2) students’ academic achievement in algebra in Onitsha Education
Zone of Anambra State. One research question guided the study and one null hypothesis were
tested at 0.05 alpha level A quasi experimental research design, specifically, pre-test, post-test
non-equivalent control design was used. The population of the study consists of 4,433 JSS2
students while 150 students formed the sample size. The sample technique employed was multistage sampling. The research instrument used for data collection was the mathematics
achievement test. The instrument was validated by three experts and Kuder Richardson
Formula 20 was used to ascertain the reliability coefficient at 0.87. Mean, standard deviation
and analysis of covariance were used for data analysis. The findings of the study showed that
students taught algebra using Graphic Organizer and metacognitive reading strategies
significantly achieved more than those taught with traditional method and students taught
algebra using graphic organizer achieved significantly higher than those taught using
conventional method of teaching. It was recommended among others that in-serving
mathematics teachers should be trained by government and ministry of education on the use of
graphic organizer and metacognitive reading strategies through workshops, seminars.
Adeleke, J.O. (2007). Influence of sex difference of students on their achievement in secondary school
mathematics. Journal of the Mathematics Association of Nigeria. 25(1), 109 – 113.
Amesi, J. (2003). Aalgebra mathematics concepts. London: Lexington Books.
Antoine, R.A. (2013). The effect of graphic organizer on science education.Human body system. (Unpublished
master’s Thesis). Louisiana State University. Retrieved from etd.…/Antoine thesis. Pdf.
Azuka, B.F. (2009).Active learning in mathematics classroom. Training named for capacity building workshop
for secondary and primary schools building mathematical science teachers. Abuja: National
Mathematical Centre.
Eissa, M. A (2012).The effects of graphic organizer strategies intervention on academic achievement, selfefficacy and motivation to learn social studies.Journal of Psycho-educational Science, 1(1), 13 – 21.
Erakhuemen, S. (2003).Social science information.Ethno science Today. 30(4):
Federal Republic of Nigeria (2013).National Policy on Edition NERDC, Press,
Yaba. Lagos: RDC Press.
Githua, B. N &Nyabua, R. N. (2008).Effect of advance organizer strategy during instruction on secondary school
mathematics in Kenya, Nakuru district. International Journal of Science and Mathematics, 6, 437 – 457.
Kurumeh, C.O. (2006). Attitude of secondary school teachers towards theassessment of student’s affective
behaviour (Unpublished M.Edproject).Department of Science Education University of Nigeria Nsukka.
Martin, R. (2010). Nigeria societal belief and language effect on the teachingand learning process in science.
32nd Annual Conference Proceeding of STAN 33-36.
Nworgu, B. G. (2015). Educational Research Methodology. Nsukka. Hallman
Okafor, A. (2011). Conducting research in education and social science.Enugu:
Tashiuk Netuiniks Ltd.
Okafor, E.E. (2015). Domesticating Science, Technology and mathematics Education in Nigeria.(An
Unpublished M. Ed Thesis), Kogi State College of Education Ankpa.
Onuorah, J.C. (2016). Gender differences in chemical problems solving among Nigerian students.Research in
Science and Technology Education. 10(12) 189-201.
Susan, M &Thomas, R. C. (2012).Conducting educational design research. London: Routledge.
Teong, S. K. (2003). The effect of meta-cognitive training on mathematical and problem solving.Journal of
Computer Assisted Learning. 19(1), 46 – 55. doi.10.1046/j.0266 – 4909. 2003.00005. x
mathematics. Journal of the Mathematics Association of Nigeria. 25(1), 109 – 113.
Amesi, J. (2003). Aalgebra mathematics concepts. London: Lexington Books.
Antoine, R.A. (2013). The effect of graphic organizer on science education.Human body system. (Unpublished
master’s Thesis). Louisiana State University. Retrieved from etd.…/Antoine thesis. Pdf.
Azuka, B.F. (2009).Active learning in mathematics classroom. Training named for capacity building workshop
for secondary and primary schools building mathematical science teachers. Abuja: National
Mathematical Centre.
Eissa, M. A (2012).The effects of graphic organizer strategies intervention on academic achievement, selfefficacy and motivation to learn social studies.Journal of Psycho-educational Science, 1(1), 13 – 21.
Erakhuemen, S. (2003).Social science information.Ethno science Today. 30(4):
Federal Republic of Nigeria (2013).National Policy on Edition NERDC, Press,
Yaba. Lagos: RDC Press.
Githua, B. N &Nyabua, R. N. (2008).Effect of advance organizer strategy during instruction on secondary school
mathematics in Kenya, Nakuru district. International Journal of Science and Mathematics, 6, 437 – 457.
Kurumeh, C.O. (2006). Attitude of secondary school teachers towards theassessment of student’s affective
behaviour (Unpublished M.Edproject).Department of Science Education University of Nigeria Nsukka.
Martin, R. (2010). Nigeria societal belief and language effect on the teachingand learning process in science.
32nd Annual Conference Proceeding of STAN 33-36.
Nworgu, B. G. (2015). Educational Research Methodology. Nsukka. Hallman
Okafor, A. (2011). Conducting research in education and social science.Enugu:
Tashiuk Netuiniks Ltd.
Okafor, E.E. (2015). Domesticating Science, Technology and mathematics Education in Nigeria.(An
Unpublished M. Ed Thesis), Kogi State College of Education Ankpa.
Onuorah, J.C. (2016). Gender differences in chemical problems solving among Nigerian students.Research in
Science and Technology Education. 10(12) 189-201.
Susan, M &Thomas, R. C. (2012).Conducting educational design research. London: Routledge.
Teong, S. K. (2003). The effect of meta-cognitive training on mathematical and problem solving.Journal of
Computer Assisted Learning. 19(1), 46 – 55. doi.10.1046/j.0266 – 4909. 2003.00005. x