Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 6 (2021)
Adeoye, Sheriff Ajayi Department of Vocational and Technical Education, University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria
This study investigated business education students rating of factor influencing career choice in
universities in Edo and Delta States. The theory of this study was hinged on Krumboltz' theory of
social learning and career decision making. The descriptive survey research design was
employed and the population for the study consist of 802 Business education undergraduate
students from University of Benin and Delta State University. The sample size comprised 100
Business education undergraduate students selected through a proportionate sampling
technique. The instrument used for data collection was structured questionnaire. The reliability
of the instrument was 0.71. The data collected were analyzed using mean (࢞̅(, standard deviation
and two sample independent t-test. The findings revealed that gender and students interest play
a significant influence on students’ choice of business education programme. Furthermore, there
is no significant difference between male and female students on their choice of option in
business education in universities. It was recommended, among others, that both male and
female business education students should be encouraged to enrol into business education
programmes through the activities of their professional bodies and beneficiaries of the
universities in Edo and Delta States. The theory of this study was hinged on Krumboltz' theory of
social learning and career decision making. The descriptive survey research design was
employed and the population for the study consist of 802 Business education undergraduate
students from University of Benin and Delta State University. The sample size comprised 100
Business education undergraduate students selected through a proportionate sampling
technique. The instrument used for data collection was structured questionnaire. The reliability
of the instrument was 0.71. The data collected were analyzed using mean (࢞̅(, standard deviation
and two sample independent t-test. The findings revealed that gender and students interest play
a significant influence on students’ choice of business education programme. Furthermore, there
is no significant difference between male and female students on their choice of option in
business education in universities. It was recommended, among others, that both male and
female business education students should be encouraged to enrol into business education
programmes through the activities of their professional bodies and beneficiaries of the
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Ahmed, A. (2014). Factors influencing choice of career of business students. SSRN, Retrieved
from or http:// 10.2139/ ssrn.2575518
Ahmed, K. A., Sharif, N., & Ahmad, N. (2017). Factors influencing students’ career choices:
Empirical evidence from business students. Journal of Southeast Asian Research, 1–15.
Bandura, A., Barbaranelli C., Caprara G. V., & Pastorelli, C. (2001). Self–efficacy beliefs as
shapers of children’s aspirations and career trajectories. Child Development, 72, 187–
Biju, J. (2012). Factors influencing the selection of business studies: a comparative study of
Indianstudents at an Indian university and Chinese students at a Thai university.
Bright, J. E., Pryor, R. G., & Harpham, L. (2005). The role of chance events in career decision
making. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 66(3), 561-576.
Bubic, A. (2014). Decision making characteristics and decision styles predict adolescents’ career
choice satisfaction. Current Psychology, 33(4), 515-531.
Ekpenyong, L. E. (2005). Foundations of technical and vocational education: New directions
and approaches. Benin: Supreme Ideal Publishers Int. Ltd.
Ezeani, N. S., & Ogundola, M. C. (2016). Business education programme in Nigeria: past,
present and future in the 21st century. Nigerian Journal of Business Education, 3(1), 17-
Federal Republic of Nigeria (2013). National policy on education. Lagos: NERDC.
Hashim, M. H., & Embong, M. A. (2015). Parental and peer influences upon accounting as a
subject and accountancy as a career. Journal of Economics, Business and Management,
3(2), 252-256.
Holland, J. L. (1992). Making vocational choices: A theory of vocational personalities and work
environments, 3rd ed. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.
Humayon, A. A., Khan, R. A., Ansari, N. U. A. (2018). Effect of family influence, personal
interest and economic considerations on career choice amongst undergraduate students
in higher educational institutions of Vehari, Pakistan. International Journal of
Organizational Leadership, 7, 129-142.
Igbinedion, V. I. (2011). Perception of factors that influence students’ vocational choice of
secretarial studies in tertiary institutions in Edo State of Nigeria. European Journal of
Educational Studies, 3(2), 325-337.
Issa, A. O., & Nwalo, K. I. N. (2008). Factors affecting the career choice of undergraduates in
Nigerian library and information science schools. African Journal of Library, Archives
and Information Science. From
Kazi, A. S., &Akhlaq, A. (2017).Factors affecting students’ career choice. Journal of Research
and Reflections in Education, 11(2), 187-196.
Meddour, H., Abdo, A. A. M., Majid, A. H. A., Auf, M. A. A., & Aman, A. M. (2016). Factors
affecting career choice among undergraduate students in Universitas Indonesia,
International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 10(4), 630-644.
Ngunjiri, G. F. (2013). Decisiveness in Career Choices among Secondary School Students in
Kiambu WestDistrict-Kiambu County, Kenya. School of Education in Partial
Fulfillment for the Requirements for Award of Degree of Master of Education, Kenyatta
Njoku, C. U. (2006). Business education and value orientation for national economic
empowerment development. Paper presented at the Owo. 2006 Annual Conference of
the Association of Business Educators of Nigeria (ABEN).
Nyamwange, J. (2016). Influence of student’s interest on career choice among first year
university students in public and private universities in Kisii County, Kenya. Journal of
Education and Practice, 7(4), 96-102.
Nyarko-Sampson, E. (2013). Tutors' participation in guidance and counselling programmes in
Colleges of Education in northern Ghana. Ife Psychologia: An International Journal,
21(2), 141-149
Mudhovozi, P., & Chireshe, C. (2012). Socio-demographic factors influencing career decisionmaking among undergraduate psychology students in South Africa. Journal of Social
Sciences, 31(2), 167–176.
Owie, I. (2003). Teaching, apriori or aposteriori decision: A preliminary analysis of effective
impact, African Journal of Studies in Education, 1, 21 29.