Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 6 (2021)
Ile, C. M Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
Ndubuisi, Ikechukwu Samuel Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
The need to improve the teaching of business subjects necessitated this study to ascertain the
level of utilization of modern instructional materials for teaching business subject in secondary
schools in Anambra State, Nigeria. One research question guided the study and three null
hypotheses were tested. Descriptive survey research design was adopted and 249 male and
female business subjects teachers were studied without sampling. A structured questionnaire
was used for data collection. The questionnaire was validated by three experts in the field of
business education and measurement and evaluation from the Faculty of Education, Nnamdi
Azikiwe University, Awka. A total of 249 copies of questionnaire were distributed to the
respondents, 241 copies were correctly filled, retrieved and used for data analysis. Data
collected was analyzed using mean and standard deviation to determine the homogeneity of the
respondents’ ratings while t-test was used to test the null hypothesesat 0.05 level of significance.
Findings revealed that business subjects teachers rarely utilized modern instructional materials
for teaching business subjects. The findings also showed that school location and gender were
significant factors on respondents’ ratings of level of utilization of modern instructional
materials while years of experience was not a significant factor. The researchers recommended
among others that business subjects teachers should endeavour to utilize available modern
instructional materials inthe teachingof business subjects to enable students acquire relevant
skills and competencies for gainful employment or self-employment.
level of utilization of modern instructional materials for teaching business subject in secondary
schools in Anambra State, Nigeria. One research question guided the study and three null
hypotheses were tested. Descriptive survey research design was adopted and 249 male and
female business subjects teachers were studied without sampling. A structured questionnaire
was used for data collection. The questionnaire was validated by three experts in the field of
business education and measurement and evaluation from the Faculty of Education, Nnamdi
Azikiwe University, Awka. A total of 249 copies of questionnaire were distributed to the
respondents, 241 copies were correctly filled, retrieved and used for data analysis. Data
collected was analyzed using mean and standard deviation to determine the homogeneity of the
respondents’ ratings while t-test was used to test the null hypothesesat 0.05 level of significance.
Findings revealed that business subjects teachers rarely utilized modern instructional materials
for teaching business subjects. The findings also showed that school location and gender were
significant factors on respondents’ ratings of level of utilization of modern instructional
materials while years of experience was not a significant factor. The researchers recommended
among others that business subjects teachers should endeavour to utilize available modern
instructional materials inthe teachingof business subjects to enable students acquire relevant
skills and competencies for gainful employment or self-employment.
Aina, J. A. & Ademola, E. A. (2013). Audio-visual resources availability and use for library
services among colleges of education in Lagos State. Journal of Library and
Information Science, 5 (10), 417-42.
Apagu, V.V. & Wakili B. A. (2015). Availability and utilization of ICT facilities for teaching
and learning of vocational and technical education in Yobe State Technical Colleges.
American Journal of Engineering Research 4(2), 113-118.
Amali, O.O. (2014). Meeting the challenge of accessibility and utilization of modern
instructional materials in rural secondary schools in Nigeria.International Journal of
Multidisciplinary Studies,1(2), 39-47.
Amuzu, S. (2018). Bridging the gap between theory and practice; teachers’ utilization of
instructional resources in teaching social studies in basic schools in West Mamprusi
District in Northern Region, Ghana. International Journal of Education, Learning and
Development, 6(1), 10-25.
Chukwuka, C. (2017). Extent of utilization of instructional materials for effective teaching of
economics in secondary schools in Aguata Local Government Area. (Unpublished B.Sc.
project), Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe
University, Awka.
Doosuur, A. &Igyuve, S.M (2013). The use of audio-visual materials in the teaching and
learning processes in colleges of education in Benue State. Journal of Research &
Method in Education, 1(6), 44-55.
Ezeani, N.S.&Ishaq, A.M. (2013). Emerging issues in business education: A panacea to
effective utilization and application of ICTs as a tool in business education in `Nigerian
Universities. Review of Public Administration and Management,1(2), 89-107.
Federal Republic of Nigeria (2013). National policy for technology. Lagos: NERDX Press.
Jeptanui, N. (2011). Efficiency in the use of instructional resources in public primary schools. A
case study of Kapseret Zone, Wareng District, Kenya. (Unpublished Research Project).
Department of Education, Kenyatta University, Nairobi.
Kiarie M. B. K. (2014). Availability and utilization of computers in teaching and learning of
business studies in secondary schools: Westlands district Nairobi County, Kenya Kiarie.
(Published master’s degree thesis), school of education of Kenyatta University.
Retrieved from
Mbah, B. A. (2016). An Assessment on the availability and utilization of information and
communication technology (ICT) for the teaching and learning of English language.
Journal of Sciences education, 6(11), 25-65.
Monsuru, B.M. (2015). Relevance of the use of instructional materials in teaching and
pedagogical delivery: In Nwachukwu, P. O., Peter J.K., Lazarus, & Ndiku, .M.(Eds.),
Handbook of research on enhancing teacher education with advanced instructional
technologies (Pp. 145-165).doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8162-0.ch008
Muhammed, M. N. (2017). Assessment of availability and utilization of instructional materials
for teaching Islamic studies in junior secondary schools in Kaduna state, Nigeria. (Published master’s degree thesis), Department of Educational Foundations and
curriculum, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Retrieved from
Ngeru, E. W. (2015). Influence of teacher characteristics on utilization of instructional
resources in teaching number work in preschools in Westlands Sub – County, Nairobi
County. (Published master’s degree thesis), Department of Educational Communication
and Technology University of Nairobi. Retrieved from http://
Nwafor, C. E. & Eze, S.O. (2014). Availability and utilization of instructional materials in the
teaching of basic science in selected secondary schools in Abakaliki Education Zone of
Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Global journal of bio-science and biotechnology, 3 (3), 292-295.
Nwagu, l. & Azih, N. (2016). Status of technologies in business education department of
Tertiary Institution in State for effective integration of electronic learning. British
Journal of Education, 4 (4), 49-59.
Obidile, J. I., Amobi, S. C., Uzoekwe, H. E. & Akuezilo, J. A. (2017). Perceived factors
influencing academic performance of students in accounting in secondary schools in
Anambra State. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 22. 96-99.
Onah, N. & Okoro, F. (2010). Strategies for enhancing the accessibility and use of information
and communication technology in the colleges of education in Enugu State of Nigeria.
Nigerian Vocational Journal, 14(2), 104-114.
Ubulom, W. J. &Ogwunte, P. C. (2017). Evaluation of instructional resources for teaching
business subjects in public secondary schools in Rivers State, Nigeria. International
Journal of Innovative Education Research, 5(4), 67-74.
Ugwu, C.L. (2016). Assessment of utilization of instructional materials inteaching and learning
of business education subjects in secondary schools in Enugu education zone of Enugu
state. (Unpublished master’s thesis), Department of Vocational Technical Education,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Usman, M. (2016). Assessment of the availability and use of instructional materials by
secondary school economics teachers in Kwara State, Nigeria. (Unpublished master’s
degree thesis), Department of Educational Foundations and Curriculum, Faculty of
Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
Uzuegbu, C. P., Mbadiwe, H. C. & Anulobi, J. C. (2013). Availability and utilization of
instructional materials in teaching and learning of library education in tertiary
institutions in Abia state. Journal of Educational Research, 2(8), 111–120.
services among colleges of education in Lagos State. Journal of Library and
Information Science, 5 (10), 417-42.
Apagu, V.V. & Wakili B. A. (2015). Availability and utilization of ICT facilities for teaching
and learning of vocational and technical education in Yobe State Technical Colleges.
American Journal of Engineering Research 4(2), 113-118.
Amali, O.O. (2014). Meeting the challenge of accessibility and utilization of modern
instructional materials in rural secondary schools in Nigeria.International Journal of
Multidisciplinary Studies,1(2), 39-47.
Amuzu, S. (2018). Bridging the gap between theory and practice; teachers’ utilization of
instructional resources in teaching social studies in basic schools in West Mamprusi
District in Northern Region, Ghana. International Journal of Education, Learning and
Development, 6(1), 10-25.
Chukwuka, C. (2017). Extent of utilization of instructional materials for effective teaching of
economics in secondary schools in Aguata Local Government Area. (Unpublished B.Sc.
project), Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe
University, Awka.
Doosuur, A. &Igyuve, S.M (2013). The use of audio-visual materials in the teaching and
learning processes in colleges of education in Benue State. Journal of Research &
Method in Education, 1(6), 44-55.
Ezeani, N.S.&Ishaq, A.M. (2013). Emerging issues in business education: A panacea to
effective utilization and application of ICTs as a tool in business education in `Nigerian
Universities. Review of Public Administration and Management,1(2), 89-107.
Federal Republic of Nigeria (2013). National policy for technology. Lagos: NERDX Press.
Jeptanui, N. (2011). Efficiency in the use of instructional resources in public primary schools. A
case study of Kapseret Zone, Wareng District, Kenya. (Unpublished Research Project).
Department of Education, Kenyatta University, Nairobi.
Kiarie M. B. K. (2014). Availability and utilization of computers in teaching and learning of
business studies in secondary schools: Westlands district Nairobi County, Kenya Kiarie.
(Published master’s degree thesis), school of education of Kenyatta University.
Retrieved from
Mbah, B. A. (2016). An Assessment on the availability and utilization of information and
communication technology (ICT) for the teaching and learning of English language.
Journal of Sciences education, 6(11), 25-65.
Monsuru, B.M. (2015). Relevance of the use of instructional materials in teaching and
pedagogical delivery: In Nwachukwu, P. O., Peter J.K., Lazarus, & Ndiku, .M.(Eds.),
Handbook of research on enhancing teacher education with advanced instructional
technologies (Pp. 145-165).doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8162-0.ch008
Muhammed, M. N. (2017). Assessment of availability and utilization of instructional materials
for teaching Islamic studies in junior secondary schools in Kaduna state, Nigeria. (Published master’s degree thesis), Department of Educational Foundations and
curriculum, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Retrieved from
Ngeru, E. W. (2015). Influence of teacher characteristics on utilization of instructional
resources in teaching number work in preschools in Westlands Sub – County, Nairobi
County. (Published master’s degree thesis), Department of Educational Communication
and Technology University of Nairobi. Retrieved from http://
Nwafor, C. E. & Eze, S.O. (2014). Availability and utilization of instructional materials in the
teaching of basic science in selected secondary schools in Abakaliki Education Zone of
Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Global journal of bio-science and biotechnology, 3 (3), 292-295.
Nwagu, l. & Azih, N. (2016). Status of technologies in business education department of
Tertiary Institution in State for effective integration of electronic learning. British
Journal of Education, 4 (4), 49-59.
Obidile, J. I., Amobi, S. C., Uzoekwe, H. E. & Akuezilo, J. A. (2017). Perceived factors
influencing academic performance of students in accounting in secondary schools in
Anambra State. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 22. 96-99.
Onah, N. & Okoro, F. (2010). Strategies for enhancing the accessibility and use of information
and communication technology in the colleges of education in Enugu State of Nigeria.
Nigerian Vocational Journal, 14(2), 104-114.
Ubulom, W. J. &Ogwunte, P. C. (2017). Evaluation of instructional resources for teaching
business subjects in public secondary schools in Rivers State, Nigeria. International
Journal of Innovative Education Research, 5(4), 67-74.
Ugwu, C.L. (2016). Assessment of utilization of instructional materials inteaching and learning
of business education subjects in secondary schools in Enugu education zone of Enugu
state. (Unpublished master’s thesis), Department of Vocational Technical Education,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Usman, M. (2016). Assessment of the availability and use of instructional materials by
secondary school economics teachers in Kwara State, Nigeria. (Unpublished master’s
degree thesis), Department of Educational Foundations and Curriculum, Faculty of
Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
Uzuegbu, C. P., Mbadiwe, H. C. & Anulobi, J. C. (2013). Availability and utilization of
instructional materials in teaching and learning of library education in tertiary
institutions in Abia state. Journal of Educational Research, 2(8), 111–120.