Publication Information
Journal: NAU Journal of Technology and Vocational Education
Volume: 6 (2021)
Eze, T. I
Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Faculty of Education Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka
Ononye, Adaeze Okwuchukwu
Department of Technology and Vocational Education, Faculty of Education Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka
The study was conducted to ascertain the employability skills required of office technology and
management (OTM) graduates by small scale enterprises in Anambra State. The study adopted a
descriptive Survey design. Two research questions guided the study, while two hypotheses were
tested at 0.05 level of significance. Population of 980 mangers of small scale enterprise was
used for the study. Proportionate stratified sampling techniques were used to sample 294 small
scale enterprise managers in Anambra State. The questionnaire was validated by experts in
business education. The reliability method was used to determine the reliability of the instrument
was established using Cronbach alpha formula to determine the internal consistency of the
instrument which yielded Correlation coefficient values of 0.93, 0.97, 0.98, and 0.96 for the four
clusters of the questionnaire, with the overall coefficient value of 0.96. Mean was used to answer
the research questions while the null hypothesis were tested at 0.05 level of significance using Ztest. Data collected were analyzed using arithmetic mean and standard deviation to answer the
research questions. Findings from the study revealed that problem solving skill, and database
administration skills, are highly required of OTM graduates by small scale enterprises in
Anambra State.
management (OTM) graduates by small scale enterprises in Anambra State. The study adopted a
descriptive Survey design. Two research questions guided the study, while two hypotheses were
tested at 0.05 level of significance. Population of 980 mangers of small scale enterprise was
used for the study. Proportionate stratified sampling techniques were used to sample 294 small
scale enterprise managers in Anambra State. The questionnaire was validated by experts in
business education. The reliability method was used to determine the reliability of the instrument
was established using Cronbach alpha formula to determine the internal consistency of the
instrument which yielded Correlation coefficient values of 0.93, 0.97, 0.98, and 0.96 for the four
clusters of the questionnaire, with the overall coefficient value of 0.96. Mean was used to answer
the research questions while the null hypothesis were tested at 0.05 level of significance using Ztest. Data collected were analyzed using arithmetic mean and standard deviation to answer the
research questions. Findings from the study revealed that problem solving skill, and database
administration skills, are highly required of OTM graduates by small scale enterprises in
Anambra State.
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Okoye, E.M. (2014). Workplace relations: Friendship patterns and consequences. Public Administration
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Onyebu, C. M. (2014).The role of entrepreneurial skills in academic performance: a case study of selected
universities in Abia State, Nigeria. Review of Public
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reduction in North Western Nigeria.American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(3),
Aghenta, F. C. (2012). Interpersonal skills required by employee. Retrieved
Ajaero, T. M. (2016). Small business ideas for beginners. Retrieved from www.mytop
Ademiluyi, L.E. (2001).Strategies for making effective use of information and communication
technologies (ICT) in the skill oriented education sub- sector: The case of science lessons. A paper
Presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of Curriculum Organization of Nigeria (CON).
Binuomote, M. O. & Okoli, B. E. (2015). Business education students’ perception of the skill needs for
successful entrepreneurship in Nigeria. International Journal of Education, Learning and
Development, 3(7), 27-34.
Brewer, l. (2013). Skills and employability department international labour organization general:
Switzerland. Ilo publications. Retrieved from https:// www. Ilo. Org/..../ Public.
Bureau of Labour statistic. Database administrators, Retrieved 4th November 2015.
Ezeani, P. (2014). ICT competencies required by employers of NCE business education graduates. An
unpublished Thesis, AwkaNnamdiAzikiwe University.
Ezenwafor, J. I. & Olaniyi, O. N. (2018). Rating skills needed by business education graduates for
entrepreneurial development in southwest Nigeria. Retrieved from
Etebefia, O. S. & Akinkunmi, B. W. (2013). The contribution of small scale industries to the national
economy. Standard Research Journal of Business Management, 1(2), 60-71. Retrieved from
Inegbenebor, K.S. (2008). Banking sector consolidation in Nigeria: Issues and challenges, Union Digest, 9
(3&4) June (http://www.unionbanking. Com/adeyemi.
Macquaid, C. (2015). Perceptions of vocational educators and human resource/training and development
professionals regarding skill dimensions of school-to-work transition programs.Journal of
Vocational and Technical Education, 1(5), 1-20.
Obi, C.A. (2005). Methodology in business education. Enugu: Oktek publishers Nigeria Ltd.
Okoye, E.M. (2014). Workplace relations: Friendship patterns and consequences. Public Administration
Review, 62, 217-230.
Onyebu, C. M. (2014).The role of entrepreneurial skills in academic performance: a case study of selected
universities in Abia State, Nigeria. Review of Public
Osinem, E. C &Nwoji, C. U. (2005). Students industrial work experience: Concept, principles and
practice. Enugu: Cheston Agency Ltd.
Osuala, E.C. (2004). Principles and methods of business and computer education. Enugu: Cheston Agency
Soludo, C. C. (2012). Nigerian graduates are unemployable. The Nation
Witrock, R. (2006). Problem solving skills: meaning and process sRetrieved from
Worid Bank (2013). Miles to go: A quest for an operational labour market paradigm for developing
countries. World Bank/HDNSP draft.